Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 1/4/2012


Action Comics #5 (DC)
NickZ: Supe’s origin told for the billionth time! But it had Andy Kubert’s art so who am I to complain? Am I the only one that actually liked the back-up story better?

Animal Man #5 (DC)
Andy: Jeff Lemire is firing on all cylinders with this book. Hot damn is it good.

Artifacts #13 (Top Cow)
Arnab: After everything that’s gone down, that was a pretty cool ending. Admittedly, I’m not 100% sure what’s going on, but that’s nothing new.
Infinite Speech: Jackie Estacado has reestablished his jack assery with this universe changing event!

Avengers Academy #24 (Marvel)
Capekiller: I’ve probably said this already, but I am dropping this series.  I could care less about these characters and whatever their mandate is.
NickZ: I can’t decide if I like this book or not, these kids are weird.

Avengers Annual #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Wonder Man puts the Avengers on blast in front of the world and Dell’otto makes it look great!

Avengers X-Sanction #2 (Marvel)
Arnab: Basically, in two issues Cable has effectively subdued three Avengers, by himself. Avengers vs X-Men? Is there really a question?
Capekiller: This story lacks depth but is all about the battles.  Sometimes, I’m good with that!
Infinite Speech: Bish…I mean Cable continues to decimate the X..I mean Avengers and was a real jerk to Hope in a flashback. Meh.
Jeff: Dammit, Redwing, quit leading Avengers to their capture one-by-one!
NickZ: Iron Man-Cable? What the hell? The only thing I liked about this book were the flash backs (or is it flash forwards?) with Cable and little Hope.
Andy: This book isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be. Couldn’t Cable just blip in and rescue Hope? Yes. Couldn’t Cable just kill the Avengers and blip out? Yes. …hey, wait a sec…

Batwing #5 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Massacre makes Batwing and Batman look like chumps in another great issue!
NickZ: The art and the writing in this book work so well together, Winick and Oliver make a kick ass team!

The Boys #62 (Dynamite)
Andy: Is Hughie going to be the X factor when shit really goes down? That’d be wild. And where’s Annie?

The Defenders #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: So, everything I liked about the first issue failed to show up here.
NickZ: Another book that I can’t decide if I like it or not. This one has a lot more humor than I expected but what is with the adds and whatnot at the bottom of each page, I feel like I’m watching CNN or something.

Detective Comics #5 (DC)
Arnab: A nice strong story bringing Joker back to the readers mind. The real winner though, was the back-up feature.
NickZ: Not a bad issue, I love the art and the story seems interesting enough. In the back-up story did Catwoman seem totally different than she does in her own book?

Fatale #1 (Image)
Andy: Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are the Lee and Kirby of comics crime fiction. This time, they dip into a little Cthulu.

Ferals #1 (Avatar)
Andy: HOLY SHIT BALLS! I’m not really into horror, but this book has totally hooked me. Added to my pull and I can’t wait for #2.

Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #2 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech: A book full of awesome once again that is even better than the first issue!

Green Arrow #5 (DC)
Arnab: This series needs a serious dosage of character development. The plot needs more flushing out. There’s too much action and it’s moving too fast.

Huntress #4 (DC)
NickZ: I wish the story in this mini-series did the art and the character justice, but it just doesn’t.

Justice League International #5 (DC)
NickZ: This book needs to written smarter, use Batman better and throw in a lot more humor and then it will be worthy enough to carry the title JLI.

Mud Man #2 (Image)
Andy: I don’t get the hype. Paul Grist is very likable in his forwards, but the story leaves me wanting.

OMAC #5 (DC)
Andy: A fun one issue tie-in with Frankenstein and it worked. Sorry to hear this book may be on the chopping block soon. I think Jack Kirby would be proud of it.

Peanuts #1 (Kaboom!)
Andy: Haters are gonna hate, but I’m liking it. I like seeing Peanuts in print again.
Infinite Speech: Really kaboom?! Four bucks for this? Next time buy me dinner before you have your way with me.

Penguin: Pride and Prejudice #4 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This is my favorite DC book out right now and it’s a shame there’s only one more issue left in this mini! Hurwitz and Kudranski are awesome here!

Rachel Rising #4 (Abstract Studios)
Andy: Well that just got really dark. Terry Moore draws beautiful women.

Shinku #4 (Image)
Andy: Sexy samurai vampire hunter vs. sexy naked vampires. Total score.
Infinite Speech: Shinku got her ass kicked and it looked great! The art team has been great every issue and Marz’s story has benefitted from that!

Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #4 (IDW/DC)
Andy: Has just the right amount of cheese to work with the original ST cast, and the Legionnaires make good co-stars.

Static Shock #5 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This is beginning to feel like a failed attempt at telling the same stories that were told better back when Static was first introduced.

Super Dinosaur #7 (Skybound)
NickZ: There are a lot of sub-plots going on in this issue but it’s still easy for a kids understand and follow what is going on. That is no easy task for a writer to do, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from Mr. Kirkman.
Andy: I’m calling it. By the end of this year there will be a Super Dinosaur cartoon and action figure line announced.

Swamp Thing #5 (DC)
Andy: The best time to realize you truly love someone? When there’s a plethora of possessed and dismembered animal corpses all around you.
Arnab: Holy Frak. No seriously, this issue was freaking amazing.

Sweet Tooth #29 (Vertigo)
Andy: To echo my words above on Animal Man, Jeff Lemire has got it going on in 2012!

Thunderbolts #168 (Marvel)
Capekiller: Luke Cage on his own.  Some good slugging, but a little too dramatic at times for me.
Infinite Speech: Issues like this prove Aron right and me wrong about this title. Not a shining moment in what is usually a great series.

Uncanny X-Force #19.1 (Marvel)
Arnab: Holy guacamole! First of all, recreating M Day, so totally badass. Secondly, man are those fools screwed.
Capekiller: My heart dropped a little when the plan with the Scarlet Witch was revealed.  Great issue!
Infinite Speech: Does “oops” cover the monumental screw up that just happened in this issue? Gonna suck having to face some of the most powerful and evil mutants now!
Jeff: Why does Rick Remender have all the awesome ideas?
NickZ: This book was a disappointment. It doesn’t bode well for the new Age of Apocalypse book.
Andy: I admit- I thought the Age of Apocalypse series coming up sounded dumb, but after this issue, it sounds badass.

Uncanny X-Men #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: That was a sad story, completely out of the blue. It was well done, the art was nice, and it’s nice when people get along with Scott.
Capekiller: A little bit of a save based on the crap in issues 1-3.  We’ll see from here.
Jeff: I’m having a hard time pinpointing exactly why I don’t like this issue, but I put it down thinking, “Now what was the point of that?”
NickZ: The only thing worth mentioning was that it was great seeing the old Mr. Sinister, he’s so much cooler than the new one.
Andy: Phalanx Strain 264 Theta phone home!

Vampirella vs. Dracula #1 (Dynamite)
Andy: If either of these characters appeal to you, this #1 is worth checking out. The art stood on its own, and the story (at least for now) seems to be a cool one.

Vescell #5 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Too many good things about this issue to fit here but just know that Hitler’s a bitch! lol

Witchblade #151 (Top Cow)
Andy: A new jumping on point and I gave it a chance. I’ll try out #152, but it has to have a little more to it than just looking pretty.
Infinite Speech: New creative team does a good job but there’s wayyyy too much inner dialogue going on for my tastes.

Wolverine and the X-Men Alpha & Omega #1 (Marvel)
Arnab: This was fantastic. Quentin Quire is no longer the lovesick teen of yesteryear, this boy is awesome.
Too many inconsistencies, but it is still too early to judge those.
Jeff: I don’t mind when there are multiple artists on a book, but when one is really good and one isn’t, it kinda loses it’s effect.
NickZ: Is it crazy that I actually like Quentin Quire and hope he wins?
Andy: I dig it. Lets see Quire try that shit on Iceman. He’ll destroy him.

X-23 #20 (Marvel)
Arnab: I am still greatly displeased that this series is ending. More than anything, this series made Laura a much more rounded character, she has depth now, and that is fantastic.
NickZ: I wonder what X is going to decide to do?…Oh wait she already joined the Avengers Academy like 2 issues ago.

X-Club #2 (Marvel)
Capekiller: Story probably only appeals to X-geeks like me, art appeals to……..
NickZ: To be honest, I’m not sure exactly what is going on in this book, but hearing Dr. Nemesis thoughts was the best thing ever!

X-Men #23 (Marvel)
Arnab: Beware vampires, Storm is coming for you.
Capekiller: Disposal of foreign Sentinels – check!  Mystery of Jubilee being abducted by mysterious band of vampires recently introduced in a Hulk mini – just getting started!
Jeff: POOT-er-nick-stan? I think Marvel is running out of fake country names.
NickZ: I love Stormy when she is in charge, her team is a beast!
Andy: Jubilee FTW!

Be sure to catch up on all past Chirps here!

Andy Liegl
Arnab Pradhan
Infinite Speech
Jeff Jackson
Nick Zamora

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Andy

    Ian- don’t bail on Avengers Academy just yet! Marjorie Liu is taking it over soon. Huzzah!

  2. Jeff

    Is she, Andy? I thought she was doing Astonishing?

    1. Arnab

      She is going to be doing Astonishing X-Men.
      She might be doing Avengers Academy, but I haven’t heard anything about that.

  3. Andy

    …maybe not?

    I thought I read it somewhere awhile ago. Isn’t that why X-23 is joining up with them?

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    Andy, I think you’re letting nostalgia get in the way of realizing that Peanuts came up a little short for a book that cost four bucks!

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