Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/27/2010

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/27/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

Abattoir #1 (Radical)
Aron: Yep. I like it. It’s tasty.
Decapitated Dan: Nicely done good sirs. Another winner by Radical.

Action Comics #894 (DC)
Andy: Wait, what? That’s it!?
NickZ: Death is pretty awesome, loved the interaction with Lex and the surprise ending. Cool Jimmy back up feature too!

Avengers #6 (Marvel)
Andy: The best issue of the run to date. A great way for those kid characters to become badass.

Bruce Wayne The Road Home Ra’s Al Ghul #1 (DC)
NickZ: Ra’s defending Bruce’s legacy. I think someones got a “man crush”

Captain America #611 (Marvel)
Andy: Steve Rogers is the man. Way to stand by your boy.

Creepy #4 (Dark Horse)
Aron: Uncle Creepy serves up a good one!
Decapitated Dan: Why can’t this be monthly 🙁

Deadpool Team-Up #888 (Marvel)
NickZ: Thing and Deadpool as tag team wrestlers…….why not? “Sweep the leg Johnny”

Fantastic Four #584 (Marvel)
This is the best this series has been in a long, long time. So much is going on here that I have no clue what to expect…except awesomeness.

Hellblazer: City of Demons #2 (Vertigo)
Aron: This series just bought a house on FREAKIN’ AWESOME Street!

Incognito: Bad Influences #1 (Icon)
To echo Brubaker: Pick up the first TPB and then read this issue! Do it! It has a 50something year old horny woman trapped in the body of a 17 year old. Now will you get it?

Justice League Generation Lost #12 (DC)
NickZ: Don’t mess with Ice, she’s got some daddy issues.

Justice League of America/The 99 #1 (DC)
NickZ: I am interested in learning more about the 99, I will stick around for #2

Klaws of the Panther #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Just like DoomWar, this series is going to be overlooked by the majority. Which is a shame because the adventurous art and great story make for one well done comic book.

MGM Midnight Movies: Motel Hell #1 (IDW)
Aron: Everybody say, “Motel, hotel, Holiday Inn!”

Scalped #42 (Vertigo)
Jason Aaron. You blow my mind.

Secret Avengers #6 (Marvel)
I think this series is soon to hit its stride- especially now that the team is dealing with more down to Earth threats.

Supergirl Annual #2 (DC)
NickZ: Awe how sweet, Kara hearts Brainiac 5. I want to know more about some of these future events they talked about.

Superman #704 (DC)
Andy: Lois Lane fans will love this issue, and while I don’t consider myself one, I liked it too. Although people who want Superman punching things will want to punch things after reading it.
NickZ: Could this be the most boring issue of Superman ever? It was all filler.

Thunderbolts #149 (Marvel)
Quite possibly the best thing to come out of Shadowland was the T-Bolts tie-in.

Ultimate Comics Ultimate Spider-Man #15 (Marvel)
God, this book has been so good since the reboot…maybe since ever, actually. It’s easily the best Ultimate title.

Ultimate Comics Ultimate Mystery #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Bendis is doing a great job of tying past story lines into the current Ultimate U. Remember Ultimate Power?

Uncanny X-Men #529 (Marvel)
Andy: I’m really not a fan of how much Kitty Pryde’s story is taking place off panel. This may be the roughest arc of Fraction’s X-run.
NickZ: Does naming your gray hairs after dead friends mean that you are redeemable? I think not.

X-Men Curse of The Mutants X-Men vs. Vampires #2 (Marvel)
Andy: It was ok. Skip it if you aren’t a fan of the cast though (Gambit, Rockslide, Armor, Karma, and Angel).
NickZ: Not as good as the first, but the stories were still fun.

X-Men Legacy #241 (Marvel)
Andy: Paras’ armor looks cool when fully charged, but what was the point of all this following Second Coming?
NickZ: What was the point of this story? Did Rogue and Magneto just need something to do?

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Andy

    Ugh, I’m waaaaaaaay behind on my books this week. I still have about 20 left to read!

  2. Billy

    Creepy looks cool. It sounds like the X-titles are dragging a bit. 🙁

  3. Jeff Jackson

    Didn’t pick up my books until today, sadly. But I agree with Nick’s X-Men Legacy comment.

  4. Nick

    @Jeff yeah, this story really had no point at all, i think Legacy was better when it was about Xavier.

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