Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/7/2011

Action Comics #4 (DC)
Andy: Not a fan of the new Steel’s look. At all.
NickZ: So Steel was around way before Superman died? Lame.

Amazing Spider-Man #675 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Never liked the Vulture so the parts I liked in this issue didn’t involve him. At all.
Jeff: I’m not really liking Giuseppe Camuncoli’s art on this book. Otherwise, I think the story is strong, but the art not so much.

Animal Man #4 (DC)
Andy: Still wondering why everyone is raving about this book? Than you clearly aren’t reading it, and that is a sin. Expect coal from Santa you smug bastard.

Avenging Spider-Man #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Still cool, and still has Joe Mad on art… for now. Sweet tits.
Jeff: My Lord, Joe Mad, why are you so good? This book is just incredible.
NickZ: This just continues to be good old fashioned comic book fun with great art.

Batman: Detective Comics #4 (DC)
Andy: I really need an explanation on Jim Gordon. He’s, like, 40 again. WTF.
Arnab: Olivia is freaking cuh-ra-zy.
NickZ: Daniel and Florea pull off a great first arc, I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Batwing #4 (DC)
Andy: The art got worse, but the story just kicked it up a few notches. If you’re a Bat-fanatic, you’d better be reading this one because it’s way better than Batgirl.
Infinite Speech: Great origin tale that leads me to make an assumption about the identity of Massacre.
NickZ: If you want to read a book with lots of depth and good story telling, this is it.

The Boys #61 (Dynamite)
Andy: The best opening pages of any comic this week. The twin suns were glorious.

Deadpool #47 (Marvel)
NickZ: Deadpool has a really cool moment with Captain America’s shield in this issue.

Deadpool MAX-MAS #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Don’t read a Deadpool comic unless it has “MAX” in the title… this one, however, is skipable.
Capekiller: Tis the season for Capekiler to waste money on pointless Christmas One-Shots.  This one was…….somewhat merry……
NickZ: It’s a wonderful life, ‘Pool style.

The Defenders #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Why is it when Matt Fraction has to write more than a one central character, he struggles? Mighty Thor and Invincible Iron Man are great… this wasn’t.
Infinite Speech: Fraction’s off to a good start with this series and I’m going to stick around for a bit.
NickZ: A good first issue, I’ll stick with it.

Fear Itself: The Fearless #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Finally, this series gets good. Too bad everybody dropped it.
Arnab: This is why I’m not a fan of the Avengers, they think they’re the shit and stick their collective nose where it doesn’t belong: leave Valkyrie alone.

G.I. Joe #8 (IDW)
Andy: A good jumping on point for this series as the new Cobra Commander is crowned! Spoiler alert: It’s not who you think it is!
Infinite Speech: A new Cobra Commander has been crowned and the poop is about to hit the fan for the Joes!

Green Arrow #4 (DC)
Andy: Umm… soooo the writer was changed why? This is still pretty crappy, DC.
Arnab: It’s not as put together as I’d like ti to be, but what really sells this book is the supporting cast

Huntress #3 (DC)
Andy: Diggin’ the art, but the story is so lame. I feel like I’ve read it 20 times before.
NickZ: This issue was way too wordy for my taste, but it was so pretty.

Justice League International #4 (DC)
NickZ: Wow this team is failing majorly and they even have Batman on their side!

The Last of the Greats #3 (Image)
Andy: I want to make Joshua Hale Fialkov’s next baby. It’d be beautiful.
Arnab: Well hot damn kiddies, that ending was out of the blue, freaky, goodness. Oh, and Oprah? Gross.

Men of War #4 (DC)

OMAC #4 (DC)
Andy: I really want to like this book more than I do, but I’m not giving up on it anytime soon. Looking forward to the Frankenstein crossover next issue.

Penguin Pain and Prejudice #3 (DC)
Andy: Every bit as cool as Joker and Luthor. Szymon Kudranski may not be Lee Bermejo, but his style is equally badass.
Infinite Speech: Hurwitz and Kudranski have made me a fan of Penguin! This is his definitive story!

Red Lanterns #3 (DC)
Andy: This series has rebounded nicely from the awfulness of #1. Bleez is a great character and her interactions with Atrocitus will only get more interesting down the line…

Spawn #214 (Image)
Andy: Haven’t read Spawn in awhile? Good! Because this is the best its been in years.
Infinite Speech: This series is kicking all kinds of ass once again and Carleton and Kudranski are to blame!

Static Shock #4 (DC)
Andy: Surprisingly enough, I’m really liking this book. Static should totally be co-leader of the Teen Titans.
Infinite Speech: So there are more Bang Babies? Didn’t McDuffie and company do this story already?

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #3 (Image)
Andy: Take note Kick-Ass; this is what you wanted to be.
Arnab: This is bloody awesome. Literally. there’s blood and it’s awesome.

Swamp Thing #4 (DC)
Andy: Snyder’s slow build finally begins to pay off. Still, my lily is starting to feel gilded.
Arnab: Without a doubt, this is my favorite ongoing non-Batman title.

Sweet Tooth #28 (Vertigo)
Andy: Holy shit balls. I almost cried. Seriously.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Raphael #1 (IDW)
Andy: Great twist, solid artwork, and some surprise guest appearances. This should have been #1 of the series. I want more TMNT art from Franco Urru!
Arnab: This was absolutely fantastic. The art was stellar, the story was fantastic, and the script was great. I loved that final scene with Raphael and Casey.

Valen the Outcast #1 (BOOM!)
Andy: Kind of cool, but the art is pretty weak… I probably won’t stick around much longer.

Venom #10 (Marvel)
Andy: What a snooze fest. Which is surprising because Remender is writing the best Marvel comic right now in Uncanny X-Force.

X-23 #18 (Marvel)
Andy: This series has been solid since #1. Marjorie Liu is addressing Laura and Hellion’s relationship, whilst Sana Takeda is putting out some gorgeous art.
Arnab: This book is excellent. Liu has injected life, humor, joy, and dare I say a little bit of happiness into Laura’s life, and I love it.
NickZ: A love story, dragons, babysitting and beautiful art! What more could you want?

X-Club #1 (Marvel)
Andy: I like these characters and I liked this issue. If you like Utopia, you’ll probably like it too. Like, fer reals.
Capekiller: Great read containing everything the X-books have been lacking of late, including a great reference by Nemesis comparing Cyclops to Geordie Laforge!
NickZ: Not a great start to a book that seems unnecessary. The title alone makes me think of S-Club 7 and I don’t even know what that is!

X-Factor #228 (Marvel)
Andy: Wow. PD totally let the shit hit the fan in this one. Stuff is about to go down. Big time.
Arnab: What the frak?! This book is consistently excellent, unfortunately nothing is going the way I want it to.
Capekiller: WTF…………………………
Jeff: Ok, Peter David, I trust you. What happened in this issue better not be what it looks like.
NickZ: Things aren’t looking to great for the X-Factor team. I wonder what Regenesis will bring.

X-Men #22 (Marvel)
Andy: Thank you Victor Gischler and Will Conrad for getting this title back on track.
Arnab: Anyone else read this and think, my that War Machine is a big baby.
Capekiller: War Machine gets a taste of everyday X-life.  Not a bad read, we’ll see where it goes…
Jeff: How much cooler is Jubilee now that she’s a vampire? I like it!
NickZ: This book continues to kick ass! Jubilee is a beast! Also, the dialogue was great! “Try to know something, Goran. The genitals you save may be your own.”

Be sure to catch up on all past Chirps here!

Andy Liegl
Arnab Pradhan
Infinite Speech
Jeff Jackson
Nick Zamora

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Andy

    Guys, if you’re liking vampire Jubilee, pick up the Wolverine & Jubilee TPB this week. It was most X-Cellent!

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