Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/29/17

Batman Annual #2 (DC)
Arnab: Tom King on Batman has been been absolutely brilliant.
NickZ: I’ve been emotionally compromised by Tom King. This is a better love story than The Notebook.
Eric: The courtship of the Bat and the Cat may not be Shakespear but damn if it isn’t emotionally satisfying.

The Beauty #17 (Image)
NickZ: Inside the life of a deadly assassin!

Eternity #2 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: One psychedelic visual trip through the galaxy to find their kid and it’s worth every minute.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #246 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: There’s a lot to unpack here if you’ve been out of the loop but a Snake Eyes arc should be good so I’m sticking around.

Jean Grey #9 (Marvel)
NickZ: Glad to see the rivalry between Emma and Jean still exists even beyond the grave.

John Wick #1 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech: This is the perfect companion piece to the films!
Eric: He may look familiar but this isn’t the John Wick you’re used to.

Justice League of America Annual #1 (DC)
NickZ: It’s Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, only with Lobo and Black Canary.

Kino #1 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: So many badass characters in the Catalyst Prime universe and it’s not always just the superheroes!

Moon Knight #189 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m really digging the way Moon Knight’s various personas are working together like never before. It’s going to make for some interesting possibilities in the future of this series.

Motor Crush #8 (Image)
Infinite Speech: This has been an amazing series so far and you should not be missing out!

Old Man Logan #31 (Marvel)
NickZ: In a battle of the Samurai, does Scarlet trump Silver?
Eric: Silver Samurai tears through The Hand in spectacular fashion but gets trumped by the Scarlet Samurai?

Star Strek: Discovery: The Light of Kahless #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: A deeper look at the Klingons that might have you looking at them a bit differently in this series.

Street Fighter: Reloded #1 (Udon)
Eric: Going back to the beginning may be the shot in the arm the Street Fighter series needs. Minus the cool foil covers.

Super Sons Annual #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: The super animals get to save the day here and it’s perfect
NickZ: As an avid supporter of this series, I am more than a bit perturbed that I just spent five bucks on a lame story staring the super pets.

Venom #158 (Marvel)
NickZ: Venom should be an honorary X-Men, I mean he is feared and hated by the public, and all he really wants to do is help people.

Sword of Ages #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: It’s sci-fi/fantasy from Gabriel Rodriguez and it’s fantastic!

War Mother #4 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Van Lente & Segovia knocked this one out the park and I will impatiently wait for the next chapter!

X-Men Blue #16 (Marvel)
NickZ: The reaction young Jean and Scott had when they arrived at their adult counterpart’s wedding was priceless. And that ending was a very cool surprise!

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