Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/28/18

Amazing Spider-Man #10 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The Thieves Guild ran the pockets of the MCU and Rick Remender made it one great Spidey story worth reading.

Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: A fun event that didn’t quite stick the landing when it’s all said and done. Felt like one long segue to Aquaman’s new direction.
NickZ: Even Snyder couldn’t make an Aquaman story interesting but at least Manapul’s art was beautiful to look at!

Black Panther #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Coats is hitting us with all kinds of surprises here as we go from Bast, to Wakanda, to the Klyntark!!

Black Panther vs. Deadpool #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Panther and Deadpool actually have a pretty fun chemistry together. Who would have thought it?

Darth Vader #24 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Why do people insist on betraying and second guessing Vader! This is him in his prime and he’s not to be messed with!

Die! Die! Die! #5 (Image)
Infinite Speech: This is one bloody action-filled mess and I’m loving every page!

Dead Man Logan #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m all for Logan and Hawkeye teaming up and Glob is hilarious but the art left much to be desired.

Fantastic Four #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Soooo after all of that progress with Black Panther, Thunderball is back with the Wrecking Crew?
NickZ: Anyone else find Valeria to be pretty obnoxious?

Flash #59 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Barry is getting annoying with all of this apologizing. Everything else is great here and that new character looks interesting.

Heroes in Crisis #3 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
Things are unfolding slow, smart, and it’s quite disturbing to see someone take advantage of the people coming for help at Sanctuary.
NickZ: I keep waiting for that moment when King makes a big reveal or something that turns this trash into something brilliant…but i’m left waiting.

Incidentals #14 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: It’s been one hell of a fight but I’m still not sure what everyone can do but its good enough so that I’ll stay and find out.

Infinity Wars Arach-Kinght #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: I can’t get enough of these Warps. I’m sure we will be seeing more of Arach-Knight in the future!

Infinity Wars Weapon Hex #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Again, another fun Warp story! I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Weapon Hex and Speed Weasel!

Ironheart #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A first issue that is worth you picking up and sticking around for the next! The first six words hit on various levels that I couldn’t help but to see what the creative team was bringing.

Justice League: Odyssey #3 (DC)
Infinite Speech: The artist change was jarring but now I want to know more about this planet that worships Cyborg.
NickZ: I had my reservations about this book but I am really digging it! I can’t wait to see what Darkseid’s angle is in all this.

Quincredible #1 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: The newest Catalyst Prime hero is here and though an uneven issue it’s still very much worth checking out.

Return of Wolverine #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: I really don’t think we needed five mini-series just to bring Wolverine back.

Scarlet #4 (Jinxworld)
Infinite Speech: This is not going how I expected which is fantastic and I’m worried for Scarlet even if she finessed the U.S. military!

Silencer #11 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Did Talia really expect Silencer to just bow down? After all she’s been through? The set of balls on the Al Ghul family is huge!

Spider-Girls #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: These Spider-Geddon tie-ins could have really been crap but so far they are really good. I love how the girls’ reactions to things are so much a product of the realities that they originate from.

Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: We rarely get to see a universe where Peter Parker is not dead or Spider-Man so it’s weird to think of him as a blackmailing jerk.

Uncanny X-Men #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: This book has been a nonstop train ride since it began but I am not complaining! While I am totally digging the story, a part of me is still mad that they canceled X-Men Red because of it.

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