Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/14/19

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/14/19

Batman and the Outsiders #4 (DC)
Infinite Speech: The
team is going through their growing pains and going up against Ra’s Al Ghul at the same time. Hill is not making this easy for them and I’ll be here till the wheels fall off!
Martin: 4/5 stars. Really great character moments between Duke and Cass show why this could be a good title Given that Black Lightning’s creator has been negative about the book explains yet ANOTHER scene between Jefferson & Batman about who runs the team.

Batman Universe #2 (DC)
: 4/5 stars. This previous Walmart-only exclusive is some of Bendis’ best DC work to date, and also some really good, non-grim Batman stories that are a breath of fresh air from the same old tired tropes we’re seeing in the main title. Very Silver Age in style.

Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice (Dark Horse/DC)
Infinite Speech:
Okay, the first issue did the bare minimum of keeping me interested but I’ll admit this one was a much better issue.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. It is not common for me to laugh out loud while reading a comic, but that’s exactly what happened, causing me to scare the other folks at my local pub, while I read the Bizarro segment of this brilliant cross-over comic.

Catwoman #14 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
How is this title not on everyone’s list?!

Detective Comics #1009 (DC)
4/5 stars. With a focus on the playboy aspect of Bruce Wayne, along with Alfred and Lucius Fox, there’s a lot of fun area here to explore that usually goes ignored by Rebirth’s more action-focused stories.

Event Leviathan #3 (DC)
3.5/5 stars. This is a bit hard to judge, because nothing much really happens here to advance the plot. It feels like filler, but the dialogue is quite well done without being too long, especially Plastic Man & Lois Lane, and Maleev’s art is great.

Flash #76 (DC)
: A few members of the Flash Family make an appearance, but sadly they’re being written like the dysfunctional Bat Family, with angsty teenagers blaming their mentor for everything. However, the Black Flash scenes are intriguing, especially why he showed up.

Ironheart #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
A good issue that cranked it up to full on great after Silhouette made her return! And with a sibling reveal for the icing on the cake!

Justice League Odyssey #12 (DC)
: 3.5/5 stars. End to a massive arc with a variety of creative teams. It’s cluttered, messy & without the impact it could’ve had. The best scenes involve Jessica Cruz, which just go to show how much better it could have been with more of a focus on her.

Life & Death of Toyo Harada #6 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech:
Toyo Harada is one of the greats in comics. You’d do well to read this series immediately.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Saladin Ahmed is writing the $#@! out of this title so if you’re a Miles fan this should be on your pull list!

Once and Future #1 (Boom! Studios)
 4.5/5 stars. I’m a sucker for Athurian stories – tales of King Arthur & Camelot helped me develop an interest in comics & fantasy/SF. I wasn’t expecting much new from this, but I’m happy to be wrong. A dose of humor & a genre twist make this a great start!

Postal #2 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech:
Returning to Eden has been the best thing that could have happened to my read pile.

Powers of X #2 (Marvel)
I don’t know where this title is going and I dig it. Like, the future is dark af for mutants. And humans too, but they did that to themselves.
Infinite Speech: Nimrod is crazy. Apocalypse is ready to risk it all. And the future looks quite bleak for the mutants and humankind.

Wonder Woman #76 (DC)
: 4/5 stars. A really well-done reunion issue that works on so many character levels, w/ a very strong “mother-daughter” theme running thru the issue. Diana’s & Hippolyta’s reunion is touching, but even more so is Diana’s desire to reunite Veronica with Isadore.

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