Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/08/18

The Amazing Spider-Man #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: The perfect mix of fun life stuff with Pete and MJ and crazy shenanigans with Pete AND Spidey! Spencer and Ottley are the perfect ingredients for this book.

Art of Metal Gear Solid I-IV (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: No fan of the MGS series should be without this in their collection!

Assassins Creed: Conspiracies #1 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: This is a tense first issue with some wonderful character building and a cliffhanger that pays off in the end!

The Beauty #22 (Image)
NickZ: A new pair out for revenge start to assassinate their targets and it’s anything but pretty.

Catwoman #2 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I’m going to need Joelle Jones to stay on this title till the 50th issue!
NickZ: Selina thrashes the knockoffs and proves why she is a one of a kind diamond while still working through her feelings about the non-wedding. As writer and artist, Jones is capturing Selina purrrfectly.

Champions #23 (Marvel)
NickZ: Viv’s inner turmoil is drawing in Man-Thing like a moth to a flame and the Champions are caught knee deep in the muck.

Death or Glory #4 (Image)
Infinite Speech: If you’re not reading this series run to your LCS now and grab these issues!
Eric: Death or Glory #4 was a f***** thrill ride but OMG does it defy belief. I think Remender may have jumped the shark…question is do I care?

Detective Comics #986 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. This issue largely succeeds due to Cassandra Cain (Orphan) and her interactions with Bruce, Barbara, and the kids she is sent to help rescue. Less successful is the handling of Barbara, especially with her and Bruce. I still don’t like Karma.
NickZ: I don’t think Black Lightning was truly prepared for either the insanity of Gotham or the craziness of being in the Bat-Family but he’s doing better than most! Also, is this story secretly leading up to an Outsiders rebirth?
Infinite Speech: This arc was fantastic so now it would be great if Bryan Hill could be on an Outsiders title and give us more Cassie! #cassieismybatgirl

Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: Johnny asked for a sign and boy did Reed deliver! Slott is coming out the gates firing with major life developments for Ben and Doom! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder because I am super excited to see where this goes!

Farmhand #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Rob Guillory’s crazy world is one you definitely need to be reading
because this is one wild story so far!
NickZ: If you like stories that are crazy, mysterious, and hilarious then Rob Guillory is your man and Farmhand is the book for you!

Flash #52 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. If this whole issue had just been the two-page spread of Flash meeting with all of the other Flashes in the multiverse, it would have still gotten 4-stars. Now I really want a “Legion of Flashes” comic!

Hawkman #3 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. This series of Hawkman is packed with so much in each issue – on the visual side, Hawkman fights a T-Rex on Dinosaur Island and then takes on hundreds (if not more!) Feitherans. The plot is also jam-packed, as Carter begins reconciling his crazy history.

Hunt for Wolverine the Adamantium Agenda #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: It only took a promise to a dead friend to get Tony Stark to actually make the morally right decision for once! The main takeaways form this book are the revelations of X-23’s origin and the hint of a mole within the X-Men!

Immortal Men #5 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. I was about ready to give up on this title, but finding out that this is the penultimate issue has me sticking around for one more issue. Caden Park gets a little more depth this issue, but it’s a case of too little, too late.

Mech Cadet Yu #11 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: One of the best comics out now that’s perfect for young readers and us older ones too. Pure adventure and heart since the first issue!

Oblivion Song #6 (Image)
NickZ: Nathan finally convinces his brother to come home for a visit, only to find that his deepest, darkest secret has been uncovered and it’s a game changer!

Old Man Logan #45 (Marvel)
NickZ: Logan and Bullseye’s game of cat and mouse comes to an end but not before a whole lot more people die!

Plastic Man #3 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Simone somehow works her magic, again, by telling a hard-boiled detective story with old-school mobsters & strippers, yet incorporates so much humor without taking the reader out of the story. It’s a fine line she’s walking, but she nails it every time.

Predator: Hunters II #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The Predators are back so let the body count begin! Lets see what the Hunters can do this time around!

Quicksilver No Surrender #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Quicksilver has had to face the worst parts of himself while stuck in at time-frozen world but just as he thinks he is finally self-actualized enough to stop his speed demons, he realizes that nothing is ever that easy.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #25 (DC)
NickZ: One bullet was all it took to shatter the Bat-family and the Bat-fandom! Are you #teambruce or #teamjason? Read this issue and decide!

Sandman Universe #1 (Vertigo)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. There’s a lot to like in this semi-anthology series that serves to introduce 4 new series in the Sandman universe. Check out my full review here.

Spider-Man Annual #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Bryan Hill is one of those writers whose books you pick up as soon as you see his name on the cover. He’s tapped into Miles and now I’d like to see what him and Nelson Blake do on a

Supergirl #21 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. The “other” Superman title telling the story of Rogol Zaar, this first issue of a new arc and new development for Kara deals with the subject matter in a manner significantly better than the main Superman title. Kara feels more real & is more relatable.

Superman #2 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Man, does Bendis like to write narration. This isn’t news, but it’s just not the norm for DC these days. Superman’s inner dialogue is actually quite informative in terms of character development, but I hate the way he writes Barry/Flash.
NickZ: Rogol Zaar is a forgettable villain, stop trying to make him happen. And what the hell was that bit with Nuclear Man?

Titans #24 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I gave Titans one more issue to improve, and lo and behold, it did. It is by no means perfect, but it is a massive improvement over the past 2 issues. I’m still not clear on the Miss Martian dynamic, but the fantasy-landscape was original & intriguing.
NickZ: I know every team needs some kind of internal conflict but this whole thing between Nightwing and Miss Martian just feels so forced and unnecessary.

Wonder Woman #52 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Kick-off to a new arc featuring a fun, if somewhat unconventional, trio of Wonder Woman, Artemis, and the new Aztek. I wouldn’t mind a Wonder Woman story that actually FOCUSED on Wonder Woman, but that said, this looks interesting so far.

X-Men Blue #33 (Marvel)
NickZ: Just what the X-Men need, another horrific, post-apocalyptic future!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. RICK-E

    Wasn’t feeling that Detective Comics run especially since everyone seems to overhype Cassie. She’s good but c’mon.

    1. Iron_Matt

      You can’t overhype greatness!!

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