Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/17/17

Adventure Time Comics #11 (Boom!)
NickZ: All you need to know is that there is a Princess Rap Battle and it is DOPE!

American Gods #3 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: I am loving this series and the TV show version too! Everyone needs to get in on this!
Infinite Speech: One of the best comic adaptations around and you won’t be able to get enough of American Gods!

Animosity #7 (AfterShock)
Infinite Speech:
Marguerite Bennett pulls NO punches in this issue and Rafael De Latorre makes it look good! I want a dog like Sandor now. He is NOT here to play!

Batman #23 (DC)
NickZ: Tom King totally made this off the wall one-shot story work so well following the events of “The Button”. This man can pull off anything.

Batwoman #3 (DC)
NickZ: This book isn’t terrible, it just doesn’t have a reason to exist.

Deadpool versus the Punisher #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: It’s all fun and games until someone gets beheaded by a shield.

The Flash #22 (DC)
NickZ: A great ending to a great crossover! I hope that the Doomsday Clock follow up will be just as good!
Infinite Speech: ‘The Button’ ends with a bang and now I’m all excited for ‘Doomsday Clock’!

Generation X #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: Leave it to Jubilee to bring some much needed fun back to the X-Books! (Well I guess Strain, Pinna, Sobreiro, Cowles, Ketchum, and Robinson helped too)
Infinite Speech: Good enough that I’ll pick up the second issue and see where it’s going.

Horizon #11 (Image)
Infinite Speech:
Not only does Coza cut loose but we find out that the good guys may not be so good. The Horizon creative team is on fire and you need this in your read pile!

Injustice 2 #2 (DC)
Infinite Speech: The best video game tie-in comic and one that you don’t want to miss out on.

Invincible #136 (Image)
NickZ: Ottley drew one of the sickest large-scale battles that I’ve have ever seen in a comic book.

Justice League #21 (DC)
NickZ: Justice League is supposed to be DC’s flagship team but both of the JL books are awful.

Low #18 (Image)
NickZ: The world has finally given in to hopeless debauchery and literal destruction.

Luke Cage #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: David Walker and Nelson Blake II are on fire this issue and hopefully more of this is what’s ahead!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Still one of THE best titles coming from BOOM! today!

Nick Fury #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Liking this series so far but I feel it should have come along a few years earlier

Nightwing #21 (DC)
NickZ: How I have missed the misadventures of Dick and Wally. I’m so glad that the real Wally is back!

Poe Dameron #15 (Marvel)
NickZ: It’s the Star Wars version of “Speed” with the part of Keanu being played by Poe Dameron.

ROM #10 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: 
ROM should be on everyone’s pull list because it’s that damn good!

Secret Empire #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: This was a hell of a good read, not big on action, but it still had so much good stuff going on.
Infinite Speech: I CALLED IT!! Now I wonder if anyone will be apologizing to Spencer after seeing that last page? A damn good issue!

Star Trek TNG Mirror Broken #1 (IDW)
NickZ: The way this story is unfolding is perfect. I can’t wait to see how the other main characters are going to fit in to this universe.

Superman #23 (DC)
NickZ: WTF!?! Did THAT actually happen? It has to be a trick? Right?

Super Sons #4 (DC)
NickZ: Superboy and Robin’s interactions with each other and with Lex Luthor are perfect! This book is more fun than should be legal.

Teen Titans #8 (DC)
NickZ: The two teams of Titans finally team-up and it’s everything you wanted.
Infinite Speech: This is one of the LAST powers that Deathstroke should have. Damn Wally.

Trinity #9 (DC)
NickZ: Francis Manapul returns to this series pulling quadruple duties like a beast! I’m so excited to see where this alien invasion is going!

The Wicked + the Divine 455AD #1 (Image)
NickZ: I love these one-off stories about the previous pantheons that give us more insight into the entire mythos of this universe.

X-Men Gold #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Leave it to Gambit to f*** things up for everybody else.
Infinite Speech: Whenever Gambit shows up I get sleepy and expect things to go wrong.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Iron_Matt

    The X-Men books were so bad for so long I just can’t give them a chance anymore and Secret Empire isn’t as bad as what people are saying so glad you’ guys are liking it too

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