Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/01/19

Adventures of the Supersons #10 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
Damian and Jon are the perfect duo and this series shows us why each and every single issue.

Amazing Spider-Man #20.HU (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Why was an entire issue devoted to something that could have been revealed in the main series in 2 pages? This issue lets us know what we already knew about Vulture and it’s very skippable.

Batman #70 (DC)
Infinite Speech: A proactive Batman that talks $#@! is one of my favorite kinds! Definitely a 4 out of 5 right here!
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Great art by both Fornes and Janin, but this issue is mostly Batman just punching his way through Arkham, claiming that he’s “okay.” Bane’s big scheme has yet to be revealed, and it’s getting a little tiresome. Time to move the plot forward.

Batman/TMNT III #1 (DC/IDW)
Infinite Speech:
HOLY $#@! this merging of the two universes is hitting hard right out of the gate and the surprise from Kevin Eastman was the cherry on top! Five out of five shells for this one!

Black AF: Devil’s Due #3 (Black Mask)
Infinite Speech:
Vita Ayala is the storyteller to look out for no matter what they’re writing!

DCeased #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech
: A twist on the zombie apocalypse genre that even catches Batman by surprise! Glad I gave this one a look so hopefully the next 5 issues keep it up.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Welcome to The Walking Superhero Dead. Or “DC’S Zombies,” which Marvel already did. I don’t blame DC for trying to cash in on zombies, but it seems years too late. I also wish they’d something new to add. I’ll give it another issue to see where it goes.

DC Year of the Villain #1 (DC)
4/5 stars. Crazy, fun, and unpredictable. There’s a ton going on here, and the stories don’t always mesh they way that perhaps they were intended. But, Luthor once again raises the stakes to an unforeseen level.

Deathstroke #43 (DC)
Infinite Speech
: Christopher Priest is writing Deathstroke perfection here that every fan should be reading!

Domino: Hotshots #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech
: I need this team to stay together when this mini is all over because Gail Simone has put something really cool together right now.

Green Lantern #7 (DC)
: 4.5/5 stars. So glad I got the variant cover of this issue so the surprise wasn’t spoiled for me (it’s spelled out right on the regular cover). This is Morrison at his most weird and creative. The prose part put me off at first, but by the end I loved it.

Incidentals #17 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech:
This is coming together and feeling more like the team book it should be and it’s worth sticking around for.

Justice League #23 (DC)
Infinite Speech
: Superman’s cheesy phrase never sounded so great and seeing Flash ask the team to wait up was hilarious. I haven’t enjoyed the Justice League this much since McDuffie was writing it.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Snyder’s been taking readers on quite a ride so far. This issue slows things down slightly to help provide context for what’s happening and even provide some thoughtful character moments, including an interesting proposal for Batman.

Sandman Universe: The Dreaming #9 (Vertigo)
4/5 stars. One of the best issues of the series so far, with detailed, rich art by Evely. Daniel appears quite a bit, if only in flashback in the realm of Faery. The Faery Queen is also a very interesting character, & it’s nice to see Nuala.

Savage Avengers #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
I was skeptical at first but this issue was like the good parts of the 90s mixed with Conan and then we get Deodato’s great artwork!

Transformers #4 (IDW)
Infinite Speech
: So Ironhide is a habitual line stepper who’s been aggravating Megatron for millions of years. Glad this series is picking up.

War of the Realms #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
This issue points you in the direction of several tie-ins but does it’s best to be a complete issue. Oh, and DD gets an upgrade worthy of the gods!

Year of the Villain #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
There’s no way you can read this and NOT get excited about what DC is doing this summer!

Young Justice #5 (DC)
: 4/5 stars. Normally I don’t get too caught up with continuity discrepancies, but I can’t tell if this title is supposed to be a different multiverse, whether Bendis can’t remember, or whether continuity’s irrelevant to this title. Otherwise, it’s a fun issue.

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