Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/19/17

Adventure Time Comics #10 (Boom!)
NickZ: If you are an Adventure Time fan, you don’t want to miss this cool anthology series with so many fun little oddities.

All-Star Batman #9 (DC)
Infinite Speech:  Definitely not the ending I expected but it was so much fun to get here
NickZ: Ra’s and Batman play a game of cat and mouse, but which is the cat and which is the mouse?

Angel #4 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: I didn’t realize that Fred cared so much about Illyria, or that I did for that matter.

Astro City #43 (Vertigo)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. The origin of The Gentleman, & the intro of a new character. 1 of the most under-rated comics on the stands.

Batman #21 (DC)
Arnab: That was done terrifically. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more of that when it comes to speedsters, but either way that was awesome.
Infinite Speech: Could have used more of Batman getting beat down but this was a great start to a crossover I’ve been waiting for!
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. A great start to this arc, with nice homages to the original Watchmen panel designs & story telling elements.
NickZ: The most insane minute EVER! I’m shook!

Batwoman #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Fantastic art, but the story is a little too slowly paced. Too “background heavy” – should’ve been handled in #1.
NickZ: I’m glad they have Julia Pennyworth in this book, she is the best thing about it.

The Beauty #14 (Image)
NickZ: This Beauty Task Force and these crazy murder sprees are giving this book a real Dexter-like vibe and I am digging it.

Black #5 (Black Mask)
Infinite Speech: A five star issue that delivers one hell of a cliffhanger!

Black Science #29 (Image)
NickZ: This issue was bananas and Matteo Scalera draws better recovering from arm surgery than most artist do on their best day!

Black Panther: World of Wakanda #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A fantastic reintroduction to the White Tiger and now I want to see more of this guy!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: You know things are bad when being a prisoner in a concentration camp becomes the least of your problems.

Deadpool #29 (Marvel)
NickZ: Worth the cost of admission for the return of ghost Ben Franklin and for Spider-man’s reactions to all the sexual innuendos.

Descender #21 (Image)
Rise of the Robots is going to be fantastic, I can tell already.
NickZ: Holy cliffhangers, Batman! June needs to hurry up, I’m ready for the “Rise of the Robots”!

Doctor Strange #19 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I’m reading and enjoying a Doctor Strange series. I guess Jason Aaron is a miracle worker.
NickZ: Stephen & Wong have such a unique relationship, beyond Misery’s understanding.

Injection #12 (Image)
NickZ: Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey, and Jordie Bellaire, bring their A game to this book month in and month out.

Invincible #135 (Image)
NickZ: Terra “being…strong!” is the cutest thing you are going to see in a comic book this month.

Generation Zero #9 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This is a 5 star series with kick ass teenage heroes and I’m hoping Valiant brings them back!

Green Arrow #21 (DC)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Another Rebirth book this week in which the panel designs are creative & goes so well with the script.

Green Lanterns #21 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I’ve loved the exploration of Simon’s & Jess’ relationship, but it seems to just keep rehashing it a bit.

Horizon #10 (Skybound)
Infinite Speech: Thomas delivers another stellar issue full of surprises and jaw dropping art from Gedeon and Spicer!

Justice League #19 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. The art is honestly the only good thing about this issue. There seem to be good things on the horizon, though
NickZ: It’s never a good idea to scream at Superman that you are going to kill his son especially when he has his super friends to back him up.

Low #17 (Image)
NickZ: This poor family goes from one terrible situation to the next while desperately trying to be optimistic and  hold on to any glimmer of hope.

M.A.S.K. #5 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: This series just keeps getting better and that cliffhanger was a kick in the nostalgia zone!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #14 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Higgins and Presetya are giving us the definitive Power Rangers stories that only get better with every issue!

Moon Knight #13 (Marvel)
NickZ: There comes a time in every moon’s life when he must rebel against authority and challenge his gods.

Nick Fury #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A return to cool spy stories with Nick Fury Jr. that should be on your pull list

Nightwing #19 (DC)
Arnab: Damian’s obvi not dead, but can y’all leave Nightwing along for half an issue?
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I thought we’d moved past Deathwing last issue, but he’s back again because… “reasons.” I guess.
NickZ: Dick is not fairing to well, maybe his loved ones really are a liability to him.

Ninjak #26 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: A nice wrap to this arc and I’d rather Roku be an enemy than an ally so I’m cool with the ending.

Power of the Dark Crystal #2 (Archaia)
Infinite Speech: The truth is revealed and Fizzgig is still as cranky as ever after hundreds of years!

Poe Dameron #13 (Marvel)
NickZ: Poe and the gang get some much needed assistance from the most unlikely source.

Royals #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The two different art styles mess with the story but it’s still worth reading

Secret Empire #0 (Marvel)
Arnab: Having read absolutely nothing leading up to this point, I though this was a very good issue.
Infinite Speech: I want to see how this all plays out before I pass judgement but this was a solid issue

Sex Criminals #18 (Image)
NickZ: Only Sex Criminals can have an issue dealing with some very deep, very real relationship issues and then have tiny penis-men attack (not to be confused with men who have a tiny penis).

Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop The Reign #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Geof Darrow throws you into his crazy world of martial arts and insane characters and you won’t want to leave!

Star-Lord #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: Who knew Peter Quill could have such depth? CHIP ZDARSKY AND KRIS ANKA DID! THAT’S WHO!

Superman #21 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Love the artwork & the exploration of the father-son relationship. But the “creepy neighbor thing” needs work.
NickZ: Everything about this issue was perfection! Garth makes a fun addition to the Kent household.

Super Sons #3 (DC)
Arnab: Their relationship is just gold. That bit of why Superboy couldn’t be in the Teen Titans, hilarious. It’s too bad they can’t get along long enough to survive. lol
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. I have to be honest, when I read on the cover about “Kid Amazo” I was totally turned off. Then I read the issue.
NickZ: It seems Dami…Robin and Superboy are in over their heads, if only they could get along long enough they might  survive.

Trinity #8 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. While this issue looks great, it’s really just a confusing Superman Reborn tie-in filler issue. It gets 1 more chance
NickZ: I know Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are the Trinity of the DC Universe but they go full on Illuminati in this one.

Venom #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: It’s the reunion we’ve all been waiting for! Lets face it, Flash was a cool host but there is only one REAL VENOM and that’s Eddie.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Iron_Matt

    Secret Empire needs to be good but I’m still confused about the anger about Cap being a double agent if it’s already established that this is due to the cosmic cube.

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