Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/25/18

Abbott #4 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Another damn good issue that you should be reading! Saladin Ahmed is writing one hell of supernatural crime drama while Sami Kivela and Jason Wordie bring it to life!
Martin: 4/5 stars. The mystery deepens, Abbott finds out more about who (or what?) is after her, and reconnects with a variety of characters from the past issue, all combined with a unique, but very fitting, art style. And Abbott listens to John Coltrane on #vinyl!

Avengers #690 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
This is that classic Avengers storytelling that ushers them into a new era! Great event right here and I just might read the whole thing over again!

Batman & the Signal #3 (DC)
Infinite Speech: More questions at the end of all this and the delays in this THREE ISSUE series took a lot of the steam out of it.
Martin: 4/5 stars. I was a big fan of the concept, and the 1st issue of this short 3-issue mini-series. The finale is good, but extremely rushed, with so much left to explore. The inclusion of several “We Are Robin” characters was a great touch.

Black [AF]: Widows & Orphans #1 (Black Mask)
Infinite Speech: Anansi is my new favorite silent hero!

Darth Vader #15 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This series shows off how much of a badass Vader is while delivering some rich Star Wars history as well! Oh and young Ackbar is no joke either!

Detective Comics #979 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Great art, but why Rebirth keeps putting Tim Drake through the ringer, I’ll never know. Between being trapped out of time, facing his evil future self, and now being controlled by Ulysses, it seems someone at DC doesn’t like him.

Doctor Strange #389 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Donny Cates writes a damn good Doctor Strange! Get in on this if you haven’t already.

Doctor Strange: Damnation #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This arc was so much fun! Mephisto! Possessed Avengers! A Ghost dog! I still can’t believe in 2018 I’m reading Doctor Strange comics!

Flash #45 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Okay. That last page looked painful. Can’t wait for Flash War now
Martin: 4/5 stars. Lots going on in this “bridge” issue between the Grodd and the Flash War arcs. The reunion of “OG” Wally with Iris was very touching, and nicely sets up the next arc. Meena’s interaction with “new” Wally and Avery was also great.

Hit-Girl #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Hit-Girl has the best contingency plans!

Hunt for Wolverine #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Marvel hasn’t given me time to actually miss the original Logan so this book was just okay.

Incidentals #8 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: I need this team to actually become a TEAM.

Kino #5 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: I was going to tap out if this issue wasn’t up to par but it looks like I’m sticking around a bit longer.

Mighty Thor #706 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Seriously? The emotional punch from last issue was just negated! You could have waited a year or so Marvel but nope. At least the art was fantastic.

Shadowman #2 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Jack just can’t stay out of the Deadside can he? Valiant has another hit on their hands with this one!

Silencer #4 (DC)
Infinite Speech: A new artist on this issue but it’s still the best New Age of Heroes title on the shelf.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Is it heresy to say that I enjoy Viktor Bogdanovic’s art on this title more than his predecessor? The flashback scenes are slowly starting to develop more of Honor’s background, which this series desperately needs.

Teen Titans #19 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Things wrap up nicely but that last page gets us ready for No Justice!
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. The Beast Boy arc finale sends this version of the Teen Titans off on a whimper. The story just didn’t have much weight to it, and while it could have been used as a growth opportunity for some of the characters, particularly Damian, it wasn’t.

Terrifics #3 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Yawn. Seriously. Y-A-W-N.
Martin: 4/5 stars. I love the idea of DC having another “team” book that’s not related to Justice League of the Teen Titans. Terrifics has a way to go to gel, but the seeds are there. There are great moments of humor, action, and character development in this issue.

Titans Annual #2 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. This series has become one of DC’s worst titles, due to odd decisions like the Justice League breaking up the team, characters acting like jerks to each other, & other characters not being seen at all. The Mallah/Brain parts are good, but that’s it.

Wonder Woman #45 (DC)
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. The score is this high due to the art, which elevates the score. Otherwise, this is just a mess and focuses way too much on every other character except Wonder Woman, especially the useless Jason character.

X-O Manowar #14 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This is an issue that is new reader friendly but a serious kick in the feels.

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