Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 02/14/18

Action Comics #997 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I was really looking forward to the Booster Gold/Superman team-up, but so far, it’s been pretty lackluster. The art is good, but that’s about all this has going for it.
NickZ: Everything has gone completely wrong for everyone in this book but knowing that this is a time travel story negates any real stakes.

Avengers #680 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This feels like it’s getting better aside from the missteps and the appearance of Voyager.
NickZ: So Wonder Man is now Magneto? And this is literally the third story I’ve read where the Hulk has been resurrected since his death a short time ago.

Bloodshot Salvation #6 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This story is stepping into an emotional realm that I didn’t think would hold up but it is. Oh, that double page spread just screamed slow motion walk!

Cable #154 (Marvel)
NickZ: Even though they have done this death of the Externals story line several times already, I actually enjoyed reading this version and I really liked the way they connected it to the Necrosha cross-over from several years ago.

Dark Knights The Wild Hunt #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. So much happens in this issue that it seems like it should be Dark Nights Metal #6, not a “spin-off” that some people won’t end up reading. Major ramifications for the DC Multiverse.
NickZ: Another chapter in this event where the heroes think they finally have a chance only to have hope ripped away as they walk right into Barbatos trap once more.

Detective Comics #974 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Basically a “fall-out” issue following the previous installment. Honestly not much happens in this issue that couldn’t have been predicted based on the Rebirth set-up for the past year and a half.
NickZ: Maybe letting future Tim kill Batwoman wouldn’t have been such a terrible idea after all.

Doctor Strange #385 (Marvel)
NickZ: How can you not love Loki. He honestly did make a better Sorcerer Supreme than Strange.

Flash #40 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Grodd is an interesting villain, and he’s being used in this arc to full effect. Adding in the “other” Flash, and Kid Flash, as a set-up to the coming cross-title “Flash War” event makes it all the more engaging.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #248 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: When doing a silent issue make sure those pictures tell a story. This one just showed cool fight sequences and that’s it.

Invincible #144 (Image)
NickZ: As sad as I am over the series ending, this final issue was perfect! A satisfying conclusion to one of the greatest comic series of all time! Thanks to all who have been a part of this book throughout the years!

Kick-Ass #1 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Didn’t blow me away but I’m at least interested in seeing where this is going…for now.
Martin: 3/5 stars. I’m completely unfamiliar with Millar’s original property, so I’m coming to this with fresh eyes. That said, nothing here is really all that intriguing. Patience makes a decent protagonist, but her characterization is a bit flat.

Justice League of America #24 (DC)
NickZ: Another forgettable story about a forgettable group of heroes.

Lazarus X+66 #6 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. There’s a fine line between trying to “humanize” a demon, and letting him be a single-note villain. Rucka brings his eloquent prose to the fore to tell a tale of the Vassalovka Lazarus, the Zmey (aka “the Dragon”) and a Hunter. Beautifully done.

Marvel 2 in One #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: If the Mad Thinker wants to be the new Reed Richards then he is off to a great start by making Doom his enemy!

Ninja-K #4 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This story about Ninja-G makes me want a mini-series JUST about her.

Old Man Hawkeye #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Young or old, Hawkeye sure knows how to get in over his head and make a ton of enemies.

Old Man Logan #35 (Marvel)
NickZ: The Scarlet Samurai is actually pretty bad ass, I can’t wait until she crosses paths with the recently resurrected Wolverine.

Planet of the Apes: Ursus #2 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Walker has me conflicted about Ursus right now because I feel for the ape but I hate what he’s doing. Great story!

Red Hood and the Outlaws #19 (DC)
NickZ: I actually believed for a few minuets that Artemis was really interested in dating Jason.

Sideways #1 (DC)
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. Gorgeous art & a lot of potential, & a need, for a fun, less grim teenage superhero at DC. Unfortunately, some of the dialogue & characterizations aren’t up to the level of the art. Read my full review on @ComicAttackhere:

Star Wars: Thrawn #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: It’s a story about the early days of Thrawn! If you are a Star Wars fan this needs to be in your collection.

Supergirl #18 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. While I think this series is trying to cleave a little too close to the CW TV show, especially with the whole “Kara Danvers is the real inspiration, not Supergirl” theme, this issue works on both the writing and art levels.

Titans #20 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. A Roy Harper-focused issue, including a surprise return by a former paramour of his. I’m not sure how long the “post-breakup” Titans title can last like this, but for a few issues, it’s fine to focus on individual characters.
NickZ: This entire grounded story is pretty dumb. The Justice League have done way worse than the Titans without any real consequences.

Weapon X #14 (Marvel)
NickZ: I feel bad for Domino, they just have her hook up with whichever guy is currently available on whichever team she is currently on.

Wildstorm: Michael Cray #5 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This should be in your read pile and DC should give us more Michael Cray from this team when this series is over!

Wonder Woman #40 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Silver Swan makes for a relatively sympathetic villain, and there are some nice references to the previous writer’s run on this title, but overall the ending of this arc was a little flat.

X-Men Blue #21 (Marvel)
NickZ: The original X-Men are now bonded with Venom symbiotes! Who didn’t see this coming!?!

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