Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/04/18

All-New Wolverine #33 (Marvel)
NickZ: This is definitely one of the more pleasant possible futures in the Marvel Universe. I really hope that Doom World War comes to pass at some point because it looks cray!

Astonishing X-Men #10 (Marvel)
NickZ: This new X character is sketchy as hell but what I find hilarious is that Mystique is the one calling him out as being untrustworthy. Pot calling the kettle black?

Astro City #51 (DC)
Martin: 5/5 stars. A support group for victims of super-power violence is a brilliant idea, & makes Astro City a great example of what a lived-in world with super-powers would really be like. Add the emotion by the people attending the group, & you have a perfect story.

Avengers #687 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: As much as I liked about this storyline nothing is as great as knowing the a lot of whiney fanboys are eating crow right about now.
NickZ: There is a very nice moment between Jarvis and Bruce in this issue but all I could think was how Jarvis will always be a poor man’s Alfred.

Backways #4 (AfterShock)
Eric: Jordan and Carline continue to build on an incredibly captivating world. If only they could do the same with their main character. 3/5

Batman #44 (DC)
Arnab: Batman and Catwoman. I’ve been shipping this since I was introduced to comics.
Infinite Speech: There’s no way in hell a woman would go trying on wedding dresses minutes after swimming through the sewer!
Martin: 4/5 stars. A slow-down issue focusing on Selina’s pre-wedding jitters. Does a fantastic job of referencing 80 years of Batman history and illustrating both changes in costume as well as in character for Bat & Cat. An issue that remembers how comics should be fun.
NickZ: King, Janin and Jones did such an amazing job showing Batman and Catwoman through the years. The lead up to the wedding has been one of the greatest love stories ever told in comics! Also, how amazing did Selina look in her wedding dress?
Eric: 5/5 This walk down memory lane does everything to remind us that Batman and Catwoman are meant to be together. Dammit I’m gonna cry…

Batman White Knight #7 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Murphy’s art is gorgeous, but the story in this issue is also better than previous. Batman & his proteges are acting more like they should, and watching Jack Napier fight off his Joker nature gives a depth that was missing before.
NickZ: Everything about this series has been so well done and entertaining and the build up to the climax is no different! There were so many great, emotional moments in this book and Murphy’s art really does his words justice!
Eric: 4/5 Racing towards it’s epic conclusion can Batman and the GCPD really trust The Joker to save the day?

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #6 (DC)
Infinite Speech: If you’re a new Black Lightning fan because of the show then you should pick this up! If you’re a longtime Black Lightning fan then you should pick this up!

Curse of Brimstone #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. A promising start to another New Age of Heroes book. A bit of supernatural horror mixed with a Faust-type story set in a poor rural community. Read my whole review here!

Deathstroke #30 (DC)
Eric: Why is this a thing? To pit Batman vs Deathstroke? Fine. But this issue didn’t do great for buildup. 2/5
Infinite Speech: Looks like that Deathstroke was the best stroke. Just ask Talia Al Ghul!
Martin: 4/5 stars. I’m not a regular Deathstroke reader, but I’ve heard good things & this issue kicking off a 6-part Batman/Deathstroke story seemed like a good place to jump on. I wasn’t disappointed. Lots of interesting plot twists & manipulation.

Demi-God #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Not liking the main character too much but the story is intriguing and I can’t pass up some Greek mythology and Cerberus attacking a baseball themed restaurant!

God Complex #5 (Top Cow)
Eric: This Ghost in the Shell inspired story has taken it’s time to build it’s narrative and it may actually be time to dial things up to 11…in the next issue. 3/5

Green Arrow #39 (DC)
Martin: A very uneven, poorly explained politically oriented issue but that has Ollie acting much more reckless than he should be. It’s also a bit jarring as it has no relation to the previous issue.

Green Lanterns #44 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. The post-Humphries run in this has been a bit disappointing, but this issue picks things up by getting back into some better exploration – both in terms of character as well as with crazy alien techno-planet.

Incognegro Renaissance #3 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Johnson and Pleece just took this thing to another level! So glad they continued Zane’s story with this series.

Iron Fist #79 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This issue just reminds me that we deserved more Immortal Weapons stories.
NickZ: When in hell, the devil will pull out all the stops to win your soul, he literally made every character an offer they could not refuse.

Justice League #42 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. “The Fan” story started strong, but it’s become a bit of a mess as it’s crossing over into another arc without seemingly having wrapped up. Cyborg coming back online was a bit too convenient. The story is trying to do too much.
NickZ: Since when can Wonder Woman be killed will just a simple gun shot? Isn’t she invulnerable? This makes no sense.

Marvel 2 in One #5 (Marvel)
NickZ: Zdarsky is writing one of the best Fantastic Four books ever and it only stars two of them! I enjoyed every single twist and turn this book has brought about and there have been many!

Mech Cadet Yu #8 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: This is one of those comics that I can’t wait to read the next right after I finish an issue!

Motor Crush #11 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Damn! That cliffhanger was an emotional kick in the gut for Swift and me!

The New Mutants Dead Souls #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: The characters in this book are written like exaggerated caricatures of themselves, it’s so bad.

Nightwing #42 (DC)
NickZ: I loved this story, the way it was told, the art, just how different it was from the usual Nightwing comic.

Rise of the Black Panther #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This makes me want a Doom War sequel!

Rogue & Gambit #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Thompson and Perez are making a Gambit and Rogue comic for the ages! Having them relive their past memories from each other’s prospective was such an inspired idea.

Sex Criminals #23 (Image)
NickZ: Sally and Jon seem pretty f***ing miserable without each other.

Snotgirl #10 (Image)
NickZ: The genius of this book is how well it parities the hollowness that social media can create in our lives.

Spider-Man #239 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Shades of old school superhero team ups and beat downs on the villains make this one worth it. Oh, and Cyclops has NO dialogue!

Superman #44 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Unlike most people, I don’t mind Bizarro-speak. There is a lot of it here and it’s a bit difficult to follow at times, but I like it as part of Superman’s long history. That said, I’m still rather confused about what happened this issue.
NickZ: Me have never said it before and me will never say it again, Bizarro talk am the best!

Venom #164 (Marvel)
NickZ: What do you when you find out your significant other is expecting? Hope the offspring doesn’t turn out like it’s psychopathic older siblings!

Venomized #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: The X-Men and Avengers team-up and every Marvel character is bonded with a symbiote? What more could you ask for?

The Walking Dead #178 (Image)
NickZ: I hope Michonne savored her very nice, emotional reunion with her daughter because thing look like they won’t be staying pleasant for long.

The Wicked + The Divine #35 (Image)
NickZ: You have to give it to Gillen on the meticulous planning of this series. We are thirty-five issue in and things from the start of the series are finally paying off. This is a book that you will want to reread again once this story comes to an end.

X-Men Gold #25 (Marvel)
NickZ: I am all about Captain Britain and Meggan showing up in this book again but that whole Storm plot came out of nowhere! I’m interested to see where it goes.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Eric

    I love NickZ’s response to Superman #44. Me am feeling different about Bizarro talk!

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