Character Spotlight: West Coast Avengers

Character Spotlight: West Coast Avengers

No matter how mighty your team may be, they tend to have to travel to locations they aren’t currently at. So sometimes it makes sense to make branches to better reach those in need. The West Coast Avengers were one such team, ready to aide the west as the core Avengers were often busy in New York. How did this all begin? Let’s find out!

During the Secret War, when many heroes and villains had been abducted to fight for entertainment, what heroes were left on Earth had the Vision and the US government scrambling to make sure the planet was protected. They gave Hawkeye and Mockingbird the right to form a team on the west coast of the United States.

The team would go on as many adventures as they would have teammate changes. Time travel would be a real test for the group causing its team leaders to separate as a couple but continue their best to maintain a working relationship. New members would join and leave after just a few adventures.

Even though the roster was in flux, the team seemed to revel in this, enjoying it’s casual membership. Some teammates would stay on as reserve members while others would join in almost as if it was a fun excursion. Given time, the Secret War had ended and the missing heroes were returned to Earth. This would eventually lead to the core Avengers team and the US government demanding the dismantling of the west coast branch, much to the chagrin of its members.

Years would go by and Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, would decide to restart the West Coast Avengers along with the help of Hawkeye, Clint Barton. Bringing in her boyfriend, Fuse, and her best friend, America Chavez, to fill up the roster. Bishop would begin Bishop would seek funding by bringing in member, Quintin Quire, who had a reality show crew with him that was willing to help fund a super team. Gwenpool would also join the team, bringing back the old team dynamic of this being a fun lark.

This new team was mostly made of twenty something heroes with the elder Hawkeye as a mentor. The life of heroes is perfect for reality TV and the team would go on several adventures together, all the while trying to make sure they have enough money to keep the lights on.

There you have it! The West Coast Avengers were meant to be a way of spreading the Avengers brand name when the team was at its smallest due to crossover events. It’s been sort of a fun idea with all sorts of drama mixed in. See you next time!

Suggested Reading
The West Coast Avengers
West Coast Avengers

Dr. Bustos

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