The Comic Creator’s Alliance combats Human Trafficking

Monday, January 11 was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day and the comic book community is attempting to do their part in putting an end to this horrific crime.

The Comic Creator’s Alliance, which is made up of over 80 comic book creators (both print and web), has sponsored a fund raiser in the name of putting a stop to human trafficking. Between January 11-24 2010 people can make donations at the CCA website who will be splitting all proceeds evenly between and, which are organizations dedicated to rehabilitating trafficking victims and putting an end to this serious atrocity against humanity.

The Alliance’s PR rep, Lora Innes, laid out the harsh reality of this tragic and all too often overlooked offense:

“There are currently 27 million enslaved people worldwide- more than double the number of enslaved Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. UNICEF estimates that 1.2 million children every year are sold into slavery, most of it sexual. The US Department of Justice estimates 16,000 victims of human trafficking are brought into the United States every year. Unlike slavery in the 19th century, what is happening today is happening in secret. So it won’t end until awareness is raised, and people like you and me take a stand.”

A special one of a kind gift will be given to those who donate to this humane cause: a gigantic wallpaper image complete with an ensemble of 88 creator owned female characters of the Alliance’s members! The wallpaper features femme fatales from such series as The Phoenix Requiem, Girls with Slingshots, Earthsong, Looking for Group, Shadowgirls, Marsh Rocket, The Uniques, Fallen Angel, The Dreamland Chronicles, The Dreamer, and a whole lot more! Here’s an exclusive preview shot that shows about 1/3 of the wallpaper:

All I can say is: AWESOME!!

Friend of, artist JK Woodward, posted this note on his Facebook account about the fund raiser. In the wallpaper preview above you can see his character Crazy Mary (she has red haired and is wearing purple latex) in the front row all the way on the right hand side (the character was also created by Mike Colbert, another friend of JK also contributed a drawing of Liandra from the Fallen Angel series to the ensemble.

If this is a cause you can get behind please donate what you can today by making a visit to the Comic Creator’s Alliance website and help put an end to human trafficking. You can join the Comic Creator’s Alliance Facebook group by clicking here.

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Andy

    This is a great article to be post #500 on the site.

  2. billy

    Good article and great cause!

  3. Taversia

    This is a truly amazing effort, and I am very anxious to see the funds that are raised when this is all over! =)

    I’m so happy you blogged about this!!

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    wow! very good info here!

  5. Andy

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to read through this. The word needs to get out there.

  6. thirtyseven

    If there is one thing I am proud of participating since a long time – it’s this one!
    Heroic regards from the only german webcomic and the only photocomic on this great piece of webcomic-art to everybody who is donating for this good cause!

  7. Andy

    That’s awesome thirtyseven!!

  8. Sen

    I’m also glad to have been a part of this… It’s truly played out to be awesome. I’m glad so many people are contributing.

  9. Andy

    That’s great to hear!! Which character is yours Sen?

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