BOOM! Studios Review: Lumberjanes #4

BOOM! Studios Review: Lumberjanes #4

boombox_lumberjanes_004_aLumberjanes #4
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writers: Noelle Stevenson & Grace Ellis
Illustrator: Brooke Allen
Colorist: Maarta Laiho
Letterer: Aubrey Aiese
Cover: Noelle Stevenson

It’s no secret that Lumberjanes is a critical and commercial success. The series reads like  a great cartoon that we are sorely missing on the screen. Thankfully we have been getting this phenomenal comic that more than makes up for it. So does this new issue continue the tradition the last few have? Let’s find out!

This issue we meet some of the strangest creatures yet. Yetis and a boys’ camp. The boys are bringing more mystery to the situation than the human-hating yetis. I don’t just mean that in some coming of age way, I mean for real, what is up with that camp and everyone in it? I won’t spoil it but it has me concerned.

I’m enjoying the character development as well. A big revelation happened that I am glad for, because it’s one of my favorite kind to see in any series where strange things happen. I also would not mind seeing a spin-off series all about yetis just trying to live cool lives without gross humans getting in the way.

I mentioned a cartoon series earlier, if it were to be made, it would have to keep this great art. I love it because the designs get across so much without being too complex. The diversity of design means I never have a hard time telling who is who. I love that so much; even the yetis are dynamic and diverse.

If you couldn’t guess from the opening paragraph or the ones that have followed since, I adored this issue and highly recommend it. From little kids to old people, I want everyone to get to experience the joy of Lumberjanes. If you are going to be at San Diego Comic Con 2014, they will be selling Lumberjanes merit badges at the BOOM! Studios booth. I hope I don’t live to regret telling you that; I want to get them for myself as well.

Dr. Alexander Bustos

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