BOOM! Studios Previews: Skybourne #1

BOOM! Studios Previews: Skybourne #1

Skybourne #1 (of 5)
BOOM! Studios
Writer: Frank Cho
Artist: Frank Cho
Main Cover: Frank Cho
Intermix Cover: Frank Cho
Incentive Cover 1: Brandon Peterson
Incentive Cover 2: Geof Darrow

* A new, original series from celebrated creator Frank Cho (Totally Awesome Hulk, Savage Wolverine)!
* Full of fast-paced action, Skybourne is James Bond with fantasy elements thrown in and is unlike anything Frank Cho has ever done before.
* The legend of King Arthur is alive and well in modern day. Only one man, Skybourne, can stop the evil Merlin from destroying the world.













Frank Cho’s Skybourne #1 will be on shelves September 7th!


Infinite Speech

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Kristin

    Despite my bias against Cho, I did actually read this. I made myself do it. And I am the only person in our four comic stores that hated it. It tries to be feminist or something, but it’s so painfully fake, especially knowing what I know about Cho.

    1. InfiniteSpeech

      It was an average read but visually great because he’s stronger in that aspect of storytelling. Admittedly I am slightly confused on why some people don’t like him. The few I know that have met him said he was pretty nice along with the ones that know him beyond the cons. Though it seems as if many want to put him in the same category of those sleezy comic pros that can’t keep their hands to themselves.

      1. Kristin

        Just because he can keep his hands to himself doesn’t mean he’s not a sleeze-ball. It’s not just what you DO, it’s what you SAY, too. And he has no respect for feminism or women who fight for it. In fact, he openly mocks them.

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