Seven Secrets #1
Publisher: BOOM!
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Colors: Walter Baiamonte
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Daniel Di Nicuolo & Walter Baiamonte
The debut issue for Seven Secrets throws us right into an age old struggle to keep things that should stay hidden from those harboring ill intent. Now this may seem like familiar territory to some, however, Tom Taylor delivers high quality storytelling that gives this a fresh feel and demands you turn the page to see what’s next. He does this well by not weighing the story down with historical exposition but told to us in a way that feels more natural and with the narrator hitting the important parts we need to make this issue work. And even though we don’t officially meet him, Taylor gives Caspar a rich intro and you get a deep sense of his regret and more of who he is with just his narration. It also helps that the story hits the ground running and gives you very little time to catch your breath.
Di Nicuolo and Baiamonte hold up their end of the visual storytelling just as well. The introduction of Eva and Sigurd was a great action sequence that hits every beat that would make it cinematic worthy. Soon after when we officially meet Tajana the mood shifts as Biamonte’s colors heighten the intensity of the situation. Mainly in the panels that contain her and Gareth as that perspective shot of him where he breaks the panel is just powerful. Di Nicuolo’s focus on Eva has you feel the weight of her decision over three panels as her expressions and body language nail that moment perfectly. Amon’s actions in the final pages of the book are also a highlight made even better with those reds and his particular choice of weapon.
With the number of comics on the shelves increasing each week it’s becoming harder to choose what to add to your read pile. Well, it should be no secret that Seven Secrets is one of the new titles that you should definitely give a try. The creative team nails everything just right to ensure that this a first issue that does it’s job. A great balance of strong writing and solid visual storytelling of a world you’ll want to get fully immersed in. So now I sit here and impatiently wait for the second issue to see the outcome of this cliffhanger!
For more Seven Secrets check out the preview here!
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