Looking Gorgeous with Belladonna

Belladonna is a new OGN (Original Graphic Novel) published by IDW and is set to premiere in February 2010 (so order it from this month’s Previews!). It’s written by Ben Ross with art by J.K. Woodward (Fallen Angel, X-Men Origins: Beast). Belladonna is about an assassin who goes on an action-packed journey to discover the secrets of her past. The solicit reads as:

“The tables are turned on the worlds most beautiful-and most vicious-assassin. Gunned down, comatose in a city hospital for months, and with no clue to her identity, she eventually awakens. Fully recovered but with no memory and few clues to her past, she sets out on a dangerous journey to discover who she is- But will she like what she finds?”

Sounds bad ass! Now check out how sexy J.K. Woodward’s art is in these preview shots:








J.K. is a good friend of ComicAttack.net, and he’s one of those guys whose style is something truly detached from the ordinary. His watercolors make for a unique feel to his work and there is no other artist out there who has the same style. For a behind the scenes look at how the cover to Belladonna was made, check out this link! You can follow J.K.’s work by visiting his website, jkwoodward.com.

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kristin

    That art IS gorgeous. Definitely need more good looking stuff like that.

  2. infinite speech

    how come when I’m in a subway I never see anything that good? lol Those pages look great and since it’s an OGN thats all the more reason to give it a try.

  3. kenmeyer jr

    Yeah, this artist is doing a great job of seamlessly combining referenced shots with made up work….beautiful work!

  4. billy

    I pray that if I ever do go on the subway(I’m too scared), I see a chick running around in her panties. My luck I’d see Naked Cowboy. LoL

  5. Andy

    @all Yeah, I love JK’s work. You should check out his Fallen Angel series with Peter David. It’s 5 volumes and published by IDW- great stuff!

    @billy- lol! The subway isn’t THAT bad!

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