As promised, I shall now share with you some of the amazing cosplay that walked the halls and runways of Anime Fest 2012. There were plenty of fantastic costumes, plus three costume competitions (I have pictures from two of them), so I’ll be splitting this up into two parts. The first part will contain the costumes from the Cosplay Runway, and maybe some from around the convention floor if there’s room. There were a lot of costumes in the show, though, and some that deserve more than one look. It was really quite an impressive Friday night, and a great way to kick off the convention weekend. Some of these guys I didn’t get a good picture of on the runway, while they were moving, but if they were in the winner’s line up later, I left out the bad images for that instead. A couple I ended up with better shots of on the con floor somewhere, so if they’re not here, you’ll probably see them in Wednesday’s post. Oh, and I’d like to make a little note about the stage set up. One good – the lighting is great and makes picture taking easy. One slightly irritating – the microphones which are in nearly every picture I have. Maybe next year they can be moved further to the side or something? It’s just a nit picky thing, but it made taking photos difficult from certain angles when the mics or emcees were blocking the cosplayers. Next year I’ll just get there earlier for a more central seat, I guess.

These all creep me out. Especially the cat people. WTF.
The girl dressed as Maka from Soul Eater is my fav! Spot on!