Marvel Reviews: Amazing Spider-Man #666

Amazing Spider-Man #666
Publisher: Marvel
Writer: Dan Slott
Artist: Stefano Caselli
Cover: Ryan Stegman

New York City is about to become infested with more than just bedbugs as the Spider Island event starts here! After putting a stop to a bank robbery, Peter gets a call from his girlfriend who utters that dreadful phrase, “We need to talk.” So while Peter is preparing himself for the worst, it seems that New Yorkers are slowly acquiring abilities much like that of Spider-Man. The man behind it is an old enemy of Spidey’s who is also working with a partner that for now is a mystery.

Slott’s slow and steady build up to Spider Island definitely pays off in this issue. From the many back up stories to the little hints dropped in some of the most recent issues of the series, this was a great introduction. If you wondered why Peter was taking Kung-Fu lessons from Shang-Chi, it all comes together here. Slott has also layered this tale, making it more than people being blessed/cursed with Spidey’s powers just by the choice of villain and how crazy he made Peter’s life in the past. This may prove to be the x-factor in the story that ends up giving fans more than what we expected from this event. Slott has been taking ASM to another level, and in my opinion has made Peter a more likable character. I even liked the humorous scene in Avengers Mansion where the guys let him know why he wasn’t invited to their poker games in the past. Little things like that just add to the book’s personality and appeal, which is what the title was lacking for some time.

What can I say about Caselli’s artwork that hasn’t been said already? His Spidey leaps off the pages in all of his agile web slinging glory. Gracia’s colors are awesome, and these guys definitely give you the look and feel of a perfect Spidey title. Though, do we really need that picture of the Hobgoblin behind Phil every time to let us know that’s his alter ego? It’s getting a bit old and slightly annoying. Aside from that minor distraction you will be glad these guys are the ones making this book look so good.

Aside from the cool Spidey Statue of Liberty cover by Mike Del Mundo, this issue also comes with the various variant Daily Bugle Covers that showcase local comic shops all over the country. This was a pretty cool incentive for shops and the fans, and hopefully your local comic shop was able to be represented on it.

With all of the events taking place in comics, this was one of the ones that was pretty low on my list. Now that I’ve read this issue my interest is actually piqued, as it was better than the first issue of Marvel’s current big level event. The only part that worries me is the various Spider Island spin offs. Hopefully Slott keeps Amazing Spider-Man focused and as exciting as this issue has been.

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. SpidermanGeek

    I agree. I thought this issue was a fantastic start to Spider-Island and tied up the prologue quite nicely. I truly hope that Marvel can make Stefano Caselli more of a regular artist on ASM.

  2. Infinite Speech

    Even if they just alternate between Caselli and Ramos I’d be one happy customer!

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