Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 7/6/2011

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 7/6/2011

Batman and Robin #25 (DC)
Arnab: Red Hood and Scarlet, together again!
Infinite Speech: None of the action lives up to the cover but Winick tells a good story! Just didn’t like the constant artist changes in this one.
NickZ: Well that was lame.

The Boys #56 (Dynamite)
Andy: Finally. Hughie’s grown a pair and it ain’t so wee.

Chew #19 (Image)
Andy: Even though Agent Chu’s sister is a fun character, this series has lost some steam.
Arnab: Tony and Toni make a pretty darn great team. But I do miss that Colby.

Elephantmen #32 (Image)
Andy: A fantastic salute to the hi-fantasy and sword and sorcery genres. This series continues to impress with each installment.

Elric: The Balance Lost #1 (BOOM!)
Andy: Erm…I wanted to like it, but this couldn’t have been any more boring. Not a great way to hook new readers into this character. Lots of gab with little grab.

Executive Assistant Iris vol. 2 #1 (Aspen)
Andy: Aspen is sitting on a gold mine with this series, and I think the comic world is about to realize why. It’s sexy, edgy, and just plain good.

Fear Itself #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Finally, this story gets some direction. This issue should have been #2…or at least have come out before every single tie-in where we have no clue what’s going on.
Arnab: The Serpent’s army grows ever more strong. Meanwhile, Thor and Captain America get beat up and Iron Man does some begging.
Infinite Speech: Thor lets Tony know that he smells and this issue sets up what I HOPE is a great fight between Thor, Hulk, and Thing next issue.
NickZ: This book is finally becoming an “event”! There was a lot of cool stuff happening.

Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Between this, Iron Age, and Daken Dark Wolverine, Rob Williams has convinced me he can write the X-Men.
Infinite Speech: Williams delivers a great intro and I’m a huge fan of Bianchi’s artwork and there’s even some hints of Days of Future Past in here!
Jeff: I love Fear Itself tie-ins that have nothing to do with Fear Itself! They’re the best kind of tie-ins!
NickZ: Cool story but I don’t get what this has to do with Fear Itself.

Fear Itself Wolverine #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: Again, a nice little Wolverine story, but I don’t see the connection to Fear Itself.

Flashpoint #3 (DC)
Andy: Thomas Wayne cracked me up in this issue multiple times. He’s such a great character. I hope he makes it over to the DCnU.
Arnab: Finally, a good issue. Batman, Barry, and Cyborg break Superman out of prison, only he’s not the man they expected to find.
Infinite Speech: To see Batman working on a slow ass home computer was worth the price of this title alone! hahaha!
NickZ: This is the best DC event in years!! So awesome!!

Flashpoint: Abin Sur the Green Lantern #2 (DC)
Andy: This book should have starred Sinestro.

Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #2 (DC)
Andy: Christ almighty. That was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever read in a comic book, let alone a Bat-book. Really unsettling.
Arnab: Frakkin’ A! What a reveal on that final page. Another Flashpoint book much better than the first.
NickZ: Wow, this book had so many unexpected twists. Insane!!

G.I. Joe vol. 2 #3 (IDW)
Andy: Glad to see the editors/creators of this Joe reboot have realized the recipe for success with this series: Joes need to die.
Infinite Speech: The death of Cobra Commander is the best thing to happen to Joe stories in a long time! Zartan & Storm Shadow are an ass kicking duo here!

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #4 (IDW)
Andy: I like it. Not sure if it’s worth $3.99, but it feels like a corny old school monster movie, which is the point…right?

Heroes For Hire #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I would have preferred to read this story in braile since I didn’t like the art. Then my eyes would have already been closed when I was bored to sleep.

Jonah Hex #69 (DC)
Andy: Jeff Lemire lends his weird style to tell a dark one-shot story about Jonah’s bastard father.

Moon Knight #3 (Marvel)
Andy: For the first time ever I’m reading a Moon Knight book…and liking it. One suggestion: Needs more Echo.

Moriarty #3 (Image)
Andy: Man, this book is solid. If steampunk, Sherlock-Holmes style stuff is your thing, read this series!

Mysterious Ways #1 (Top Cow)
Andy: It has my attention, and the contest mentioned at the end sounds pretty cool. My prediction? Everyone turns out to be robots controlled by pouting monkeys.

Red Skull Incarnate #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Wow. Chilling. Pak’s afterword puts this series in perspective, so if you liked Magneto Testament, don’t miss this one.

Shinku #2 (Image)
Andy: I’ve never really cared about samurai stories, but Marz is providing the perfect remedy for my interests. This book is loaded with action and story.
Infinite Speech: Sejic’s cover = Awesome. Moder’s cover/interiors = Awesome. Marz’s story = Awesome. See the pattern folks?

Superboy #9 (DC)
Arnab: I knew it! I really like Simon, so I’m hoping this all turns out nicely for him.
NickZ: A great, creepy Superboy story, maybe the best arc so far in this book.

Sweet Tooth #23 (Vertigo)
Andy: Jeff Lemire’s best character in this book is Jepperd, and he writes him amazingly well in this issue. Shocker of an ending too.

Thunderbolts #160 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Finally, a good Fear Itself tie in for the TBolts. Now if Kev can get back on the art then everything will be complete.

Trailblazer #1 (Image)
Andy: Nuns. Get. Shot.

Uncanny X-Men #540 (Marvel)
Andy: This was some of Greg Land’s best work in a long time. People had unique, relevant expressions and it worked. What didn’t was the reason Illyana’s imprisoned.
Arnab: I think I’m going to hold judgement on this one. Right now, this seems like a “why is this here?” chapter.
Infinite Speech: The X-Men are about to enter Fear Itself and Namor asks Emma for some “I might die” sex. Decent read but nothing too exciting yet.
Jeff: This issue did not work. I can’t tell if it was Greg Land’s awful work or Gillen writing the book like Matt Fraction.
NickZ: So…Namor basically told Emma that Scott treats her like his whore and you can’t make a ho a housewife.

Vengeance #1 (Marvel)
Andy: The surprise read of the week for me, starring not only Magneto and some new guys, but also long lost ex-members of the X-Men, New Warriors, and New Defenders!

X-23 #12 (Marvel)
Arnab: Nothing ever seems to go right for poor Laura.
NickZ: Jubilee and X make a great team. Also, the art in this book is fantastic!

X-Men #14 (Marvel)
Andy: Talajic had one of my favorite panels in an X-book in awhile here- it’s page 5. I want the pencils.
Arnab: Exciting stuff is happening. With every bit of information we’re getting about the past, a tremendously exciting story is being painted.
Jeff: Ok, Marvel, remind me why Chris Yost isn’t writing an on-going New X-Men book?
NickZ: I so love having great X-Men stories again. What the hell did Cyclops do?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    lol @ Nick! You are so right sir, you can’t make a ho a housewife lol

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