Aftershock Reviews: Black Eyed Kids #3

Aftershock Reviews: Black Eyed Kids #3

BEK3Black Eyed Kids #3
Publisher: Aftershock
Writer: Joe Pruett
Artist: Szymon Kudranski
Colorist: Guy Major
Cover: Francesco Francavilla

It’s good to know that there are still some good horror comics out there for fans and thanks to Pruett and Kudranski, Black Eyed Kids delivers another strong showing. With Meredith being held captive we’re reminded of her role to document the coming events. However, in a scene of with some of the harshest dialogue in the issue, Meredith is also reminded of her place when she begins making demands of her captors. Pruett maintains the intensity throughout and effectively builds on the little we already know but not revealing too much. Effectively shifting between creepy and a sense of urgency when we see what Jim and Laura are up to. It’s a nice balance that has paid off and makes this a solid issu.e

Kudranski is in perfect sync here and is one of my favorite artists when it comes to things that make it difficult to sleep. There’s not much that’s creepier than little murderous children (except maybe clowns) but Kudranski finds a way to amplify the fear factor here. The guy knows how to get the best out of the panels and keeps you firmly cemented in the story. The sequence with Officer Johnson is probably the best in terms of build up and tone due to the silent panels and just letting Kudranski’s art carry the story here. Along with great art are Guy Major’s colors which just give everything more weight especially when we get that splash of red in that one panel. It’s subtle and gets your imagination going as to what just happened off panel.

Hopefully you’re already reading this series but if not then you’ll want to check out the previous issues as well. Just know that whether or not you’re a horror fan, this creative team is giving you your money’s worth!

Infinite Speech




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