Grimm Fairy Tales #46
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Writer: Joe Brusha
Art: John Toledo
Cover: Al Garza
Exclusive Variant Cover: Mike Debalfo
Price: US $2.99
Release Date: April 7, 2010
What would you do if you were given the power over life and death? Sure, it would be easy to heal the sick and wounded if their time wasn’t up, no problem. You’d be a hero. Could you do the exact opposite and release someone’s soul into the after life if their time had come?
Those are the rules if you are to have this power: heal those who are still meant to live and take those who are now meant to die. Think you can handle it? Hold on! Slow down! Don’t be so quick to accept this power. Think about it completely. What if the person whose time was up, was someone near and dear to your heart? What if you were tasked to take the life of your best friend’s grandmother while they are expecting you to heal her? What if you had to send your own wife or husband into the after life? Could you still follow the rules? Do you still want this power?
A young man named Christian has to face these decisions and problems in Grimm Fairy Tales #46: Godfather Death. Christian is given those very powers and is told to obey those rules. The rules come by way of a ring that he wears. When he lays hands on the sick and wounded, if a skull appears in the jewel, it’s time for Christian to let them go into the afterlife. It’s like a Magic 8-Ball with a God complex. There’s a famous quote about having power, but I don’t think it needs repeating. We all know it. Does Christian follow the rules? Does having these powers make it a hard life to live? To find out the answers to these questions, and to read a very enjoyable story, pick up Grimm Fairy Tales #46 on April 7th, 2010!
The story is well written and told. The art…well, at the beginning the art seems a little weird and “squishy.” All the characters seem to be big, fat blobs with no necks. As you read the story though, the art either improves or you just forget about it, because the writing has that good of a grip on you. I am a firm believer that good writing can save some art.
This was my first time reading a Grimm Fairy Tales comic. Like many of you, I’ve always seen the covers with the scantily clad women, and thought it was always about a bunch of half naked, beautiful women with big boobs running around. While there is nothing wrong with a bunch of half naked, beautiful women with big boobs running around, could it really tell a good story? Do late night “Skinemax” movies ever tell a riveting story?
I was wrong about this issue! I learned the classic “don’t judge a book by its cover” lesson. The cover is merely eye candy to get you to stop, stare, go “Ooooh! Shiney!”, and then pick the book up. While they have your attention, they really do tell you a good story without any half naked, beautiful women with big boobs running around at all. It is genius on Zenescope’s part! I’m sure you noticed the fine lookin’ women throughout this article, but still you read on with my review…I hope.
Don’t be fooled by this one. It’s not rated-R trash or garbage. It’s Grimm Fairy Tales. It’s good story. It’s another piece of evidence that supports the thought that comics can be awesome without super heroes! But don’t take my word for it.
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Aron White
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It’s good to see that these books have substance and from what I’ve been hearing it’s pretty consistant with the series. Nice review man!
My word does Zenescope know how to do covers with ladies on them.
Thanks, Speech!
Yes, Billy…they can do some lady covers AND tell a story! Best of both worlds! ha!
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