Wonder Woman Solo Film Confirmed & More From WB/DC!

Wonder Woman Solo Film Confirmed & More From WB/DC!










It looks like all of those recent empty movie release date slots are filling up pretty quickly with the recent announcements from Warner Bros./DC! The first being the one that has been on every fan’s “most anticipated” list is Wonder Woman! Fans were happy but not truly satisfied when the historic character was revealed to make an appearance in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film. Surely an iconic character such as Wonder Woman deserves to debut in her own film, but we’ll just have to be satisfied with seeing the solo film in 2017.

There’s several more well known DC characters getting solo films, and it was also revealed who will be in those roles. The King of Atlantis, Aquaman, will be played by Jason Mamoa. Sure this was hinted, confirmed, then debunked, then hinted at again, but now it’s 100% confirmed. So right now there are plenty of very excited ladies, and then there’s fanboys complaining that he’s not blonde.

Next is the casting of Ezra Miller as the title character in The Flash. What hasn’t been revealed is WHICH Flash he will be since Grant Gustin is currently playing Barry Allen/Flash on CW’s The Flash television series. Though there is some speculation he could be Barry since Wally West is currently a young black teenager in DC’s New 52. But there’s nothing stopping WB/DC from using the original Wally for the film version.

A character getting a solo film that was a surprise is Cyborg! That’s right, the former Teen Titan now Justice League member will have his own film and be played by Ray Fisher. This is actually a great choice since Cyborg has had plenty of exposure over the years in the Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go! cartoons as well as video games.

Green Lantern will be returning to the big screen, but we don’t know which one. Since Hal Jordan’s first showing was less than stellar, will WB/DC attempt to redeem him or go with John Stewart, Simon Baz, Kyle Rayner, or Guy Gardner? It’s a toss up either way, though I’m actually hoping for Stewart. However, I don’t have a lot of faith in WB/DC having two films with black male leads.

The WB/DC movie calendar looks like this (so far):

-Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

-Suicide Squad (2016)

-Wonder Woman (2017)

-Justice League Pt 1 (2017)

-The Flash (2018)

-Aquaman (2018)

-Shazam (2019)

-Justice League Pt 2 (2019)

-Cyborg (2020)

-Green Lantern (2020)

The next six years look pretty busy and very promising for comic fans on both the small and big screen! Though with news coming just days after NYCC, one can only wonder why this wasn’t announced there.

So what do you think about the casting so far and movie choices fromWB/DC?


Infinite Speech


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kaos Blac

    I just realized with all the hub-bub around BvS:Dawn of Justice the film is still two years from being in theaters. LOL. There has to be a hell of a lot of CGI and promotion for this film to be taking so long to come to theaters also the threat of their immortal enemy MARVEL has to play into their film plans.

    1. InfiniteSpeech

      Yeah, for some reason I thought BvS was coming out next year until I saw this. But When you factor in the amount of Marvel movies coming out as well I think we’re looking at 3 to 4 comic movies a year for the next six years and I’m okay with that lol

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