{"id":141807,"date":"2018-09-25T15:17:28","date_gmt":"2018-09-25T19:17:28","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/?p=141807"},"modified":"2018-09-25T15:17:28","modified_gmt":"2018-09-25T19:17:28","slug":"chirpin-tuesday-reviews-09-19-18","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/chirpin-tuesday-reviews-09-19-18\/","title":{"rendered":"Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09\/19\/18"},"content":{"rendered":"<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Saladin Ahmed has me in my feelings about the symbiote AND I love how he writes the young Black kid without making him sound like a cornball!<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0This was actually a really delightful story that was more about the Venom symbiote than Spidey but I still really liked it. Also, the variant cover was SICK! .<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Aphrodite V #3 (Top Cow)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech<\/strong>: Bryan Hill and Jeff Spokes are delivering the great storytelling that fans have been asking for in their comics in this series!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Avengers #8 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Black Panther is now the leader of the Avengers and Aaron, Marquez, & Ponsor leave us with a cliffhanger worth coming back for!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Batman #55 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> What happened in this issue is wayyy more important than a look at the Bat-penis.<br \/>\n<strong>Martin<\/strong>: 4\/5 stars. Some of the Nightwing dialogue was a little to “chummy” for me, but I guess that’s all part of the idea of this issue. I enjoyed the fights with, and mentions of, some of the goofy villains the Dynamic Duo have fought in the past. Ending was predictable.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0It’s all fun and games until someone shoots your Dick! Tom King loves to torment Batman with tragedy!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Batman Damned #1 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-141816\" src=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/batman-55-198x300.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"198\" height=\"300\" srcset=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/batman-55-198x300.jpg 198w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/batman-55.jpg 600w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 198px) 100vw, 198px\" \/><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Pairing Constantine and Batman is always a good idea especially when you Lee Bermejo making is look spectacular!<br \/>\n<strong>Martin<\/strong>: 4\/5 stars. Bermejo’s art is gorgeous and worth, and alone worth it to pick up this book. The story has some very compelling ideas, and the match-up of Constantine, Deadman, and Batman is unique. It’s extremely dark, but not in a cheap way.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0People always say that Batman is cocky, now it’s just literal. All controversy aside, this is a really interesting story that’s being eclipsed by all the fanboys who suddenly feel inadequate.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Bonehead #4 (Top Cow)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech<\/strong>: An excellent series when you need a break from the capes and tights.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Reckoning #4 (Dark Horse)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:\u00a0<\/strong>WOW, if this is how Buffy the Vampire Slayer finally ends then I’m actually fine with it. Every character didn’t get the ending that I wanted but everyone got some kind of happy ending and some things I wanted were eluded to.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Captain America Annual #1 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> The creative team tells a wonderful flashback story from Cap and Bucky’s past.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Coda #5 (Boom! Studios)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Martin:<\/strong>\u00a04.5\/5 stars. The beginning of the second arc focuses mainly on X’s relationship with his wife, Serka, & adds some great depth to the characters & overall story. There’s also an almost Shakespearian quality to the conversation between Hum & his severed Ylf head.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Death or Glory #5 (Image)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0What a nonstop, action packed adventure that even manages to develop it’s characters and make everything they do understandable! This is a great series that shouldn’t be missed!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Doctor Strange #5 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Waid delivered another solid issue but it was the one panel Jesus Saiz showed the damage to Stephen’s hands that provided a great, quiet moment.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0Holy Hogwarts! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Doctor Strange be more badass than he is in this issue! Saiz’s art works so amazingly to showcase this new and improved Stephen Strange! (or whoever he is?)<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Edge of Spider-Geddon #3 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0Spider-Ben and Petey maybe my new favorite alternate versions of Spider-Man but man am I worried about what tragedy befalls them in Spider-Geddon!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Green Lanterns #55 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Martin:<\/strong>\u00a03.5\/5 stars. I’ve be-moaned the lack of the Jessica-Simon focus of this book lately, but in this issue, Simon doesn’t even appear. The only thing I really got out of this issue is that Cyborg Superman is way more powerful than I thought.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Hit-Girl #8 (Image)<\/strong><\/span><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-141815\" src=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/pearl-2-195x300.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"195\" height=\"300\" srcset=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/pearl-2-195x300.jpg 195w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/pearl-2-768x1181.jpg 768w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/pearl-2-666x1024.jpg 666w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/pearl-2.jpg 1626w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 195px) 100vw, 195px\" \/><strong><br \/>\nInfinite Speech:<\/strong> Where is this going? And I’m not referring to her trips around the globe just killing people.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #1 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0I feel like these Infinity Warps are the closest we are ever going to get to revisiting the \u00a0Amalgam Universe. In any event they are pretty cool, and I love Adam Kubert’s art in this!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe #3 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Love these mash-ups but I’d like to see another MOTU series without all of the guest stars.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Justice League #8 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Guess I should have read all of Metal but this was still a solid Legion of Doom focused story from Tynion<br \/>\n<strong>Martin<\/strong>:\u00a04\/5 stars. I’m still liking the more character-driven approach of this title. This particular issue continues the focus on the villains, primarily Lex Luthor, Cheetah, & Black Manta, but it’s good, intriguing story-telling.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0There is so much universe building going on in this series! If you want to understand anything going forward in the DCU you should be reading Justice League! But also read it because it is AMAZING!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Kick-Ass #7 (Image)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> This is a great continuation of the series but when did they start calling Patience “Kick-Ass”?<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Mister Miracle #11 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Martin<\/strong>:\u00a05\/5 stars. Seldom have I read a run in comics this long in which every issue is fantastic. So far, with 11 out of 12 issues complete, this is one of those comics. The publication delays are definitely worth the wait.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0Tom King takes you through every spectrum of emotion in this issue and leaves you with your mind as blown open as the Source Wall!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Mr. & Mrs. X #3 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0I’m just going to say it, this has the best Gambit and Deadpool fight sequence ever put to print! Kelly Thompson and Oscar Bazaldua are making comic book gold right here!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Multiple Man #4 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong> Time travel! Duplicates! Alternate realities! I have a headache now and I wouldn’t have it any other way!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>New Challengers #5 (DC)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Martin:<\/strong>\u00a03\/5 stars. The idea of this story is better than the execution, but I assume that is due to the change in making this only a 6-issue mini-series vs an on-going. The story is so confusing and the rushed nature makes it difficult to connect with the characters.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Pearl #2 (JinxWorld)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech<\/strong>: Gaydos’ visual storytelling pulls you into the world of\u00a0Pearl\u00a0while Bendis makes sure the characters are worth sticking around for!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Return of Wolverine #1 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Did McNiven channel the skills of Barry Windsor Smith for this issue? It looked fantastic!<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0Wolverine is back…I guess.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Seven To Eternity #11 (Image)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0Everything has gotten so mixed up, I’m not sure who side we are supposed to be on at this point.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Shadowman #7 (Valiant)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Andy Diggle’s walk through the Shadowman’s lineage has been one of the best arcs to come out of this series.<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Summit #9 (Lion Forge)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech<\/strong>: Summit’s supporting cast is getting better and seeing what Min did to T.K. was icing on the cake in this issue!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Superb #13 (Lion Forge)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> I need the heroes to go ahead and rescue the kids so they can and put these evil $#@! down!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Teen Titans #22 (DC)<br \/>\n<\/strong><\/span><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-141814\" src=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/wcavengers-2-195x300.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"195\" height=\"300\" srcset=\"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/wcavengers-2-195x300.jpg 195w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/wcavengers-2-768x1181.jpg 768w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/wcavengers-2-666x1024.jpg 666w, https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/09\/wcavengers-2.jpg 1280w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 195px) 100vw, 195px\" \/><strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> This issue was treading in “meh” territory until we get to see who Damian’s silent “partner” is.<br \/>\n<strong>Martin<\/strong>:\u00a02\/5 stars. That was officially my last issue of Teen Titans for the time-being. I kept wanting to give it a chance, but it’s been dismal. Robin and Emiko are not acting in character, Crush is so 1-dimensional that it’s almost comical, & Kid Flash sulks too much.<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0Batman is going to be so pissed when he finds out who Damian is working with! Looks like another Robin will be getting his ass kicked by Bat-dad!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Thor #5 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Now if that wasn’t the most OP version of Doom I don’t know what is! HOLY $#!@<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Venom #6 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> Stegman is doing some very cool things visually to tell this story and by the end of it Cates had made me sad. Stop making me sad Cates!<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ<\/strong>:\u00a0This Venom arc continues to be blazing hot! Cates and Stegman are making a masterpiece and Eddie and the Venom Symbiote have never been more heroic!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>Venom First Host #4 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0Between what is happening in this series and the main Venom book, I don’t see how they can have anyone else besides Eddie be the Venom host ever again!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>West Coast Avengers #2 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>Infinite Speech:<\/strong> This book is about fun superhero action and Kelly Thompson has made me laugh from start to finish!<br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0The feel of this book is a mash-up between the og West Coast Avengers and Young Avengers! Two books that I absolutely loved!<\/p>\n<p><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"><strong>X-Men Gold #36 (Marvel)<\/strong><\/span><br \/>\n<strong>NickZ:<\/strong>\u00a0TBH this was the weakest of the X-Men “color” books but this issue was probably the best one of the series and actually got me in the feels.<\/p>\n<p>arnab@comicattack.net<br \/>\ninfinitespeech@comicattack.net<br \/>\nmartin@comicattack.net<br \/>\nnickz@comicattack.net<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: Saladin Ahmed has me in my feelings about the symbiote AND I love how he writes the young Black kid without making him sound like a cornball! NickZ:\u00a0This was actually a really delightful story that was more about the Venom symbiote than Spidey but I still really […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":23,"featured_media":100376,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[808,100,820,16,17,44,91,46,658,736,739,35,753,11,482,788],"tags":[903,653,3512,3514,3517],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/141807"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/23"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=141807"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/141807\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=141807"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=141807"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/comicattack.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=141807"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}