Bloodshot #8
Publisher: Valiant
Written By: Duane Swierczynski
Art By: Manuel Garcia
Bloodshot #8 is another blood-filled, adrenaline-soaked rush of action through the Valiant universe, giving the reader everything they could want from an action title.
The new issue finds us in the midst of the battle still brawling at a P.R.S.-base. Bloodshot got through Chainsaw, and has now come face to face with what is dubbed “The Nursery,” which has been raising children with psychic powers for their own needs. Meanwhile, Gamma and Pulse are going head to head in battle, as Kara is locked in a stalemate with Chainsaw Command. Before we know it, Bloodshot does what he does best – kill – and the issue wraps up with a cliff hanger as him and Gamma start squaring off!
The thing that’s great about this title is that like Dragon Ball Z it is all action, some of the good old, non-stop, blood splatter sort for adults! There is definitely a plot being propelled by the pen of Swierczynski here, which he blends so well between action scenes, that it’s fine balance between the slam-bang and adult-sci-fi goodness, creating this perfectly balanced gem of a title. Issue #8 reminds us why this is the best title of its genre on the stands today, and at the same time keeps it entertaining all the way through. Garcia’s heavy battle scenes are well drawn and fill the page with the necessary shock to the system, giving us our cherry on the sundae as it puts a perfect cap on things for this issue. Another awesome thing is seeing how they are starting to tie it closer into the greater Valiant universe, pushing the Project Rising Phoenix connections closer to other great Valiant title Harbinger.
The long-short: Bloodshot #8 is awesome, and if you can only pick up one action title every month, it should be this one. If you can pick up two, it should be two copies of this one, so you can give one to someone else like a gateway drug and get them in on the addiction, too! Issue #8 is out this week in digital and print.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Drew McCabe