Valiant Reviews: Killers #2

Valiant Reviews: Killers #2

Killers #2
Publisher: Valiant
Writer: B. Clay Moore
Artist: Fernando Dagnino
Colors: José Villarrubia
Letters: Jeff Powell
Cover: Jonboy Meyers

It’s time to meet the rest of the players as The Jonin recruits even more of the his former students to seek out The Tears of the Burning Monk. So what happens when a group of superbly skilled fighters from MI:6’s Ninja Programme cross paths? Well, exactly what you’d expect and the creative team makes this issue just as wild and exciting as the first one. 

As B. Clay Moore introduces the new characters into the mix, his focus on Ninja-G continues to be the highlight. Her reason for embarking on this mission is personal and while she gets to showcase more of her abilities here a great moment happens when a particular skill doesn’t work so well and she has to improvise. And though Ninja-G does get a little more character development here, that doesn’t mean Moore slacks on the rest. Each new member stands out whether it’s Ninja-F’s speech pattern that has a certain rhythm to it. To Ninja-I aka Snapdragon’s stunning entrance and wild abilities. Let’s not forget Ninja-J who Moore writes as one of THE most confident if not a little arrogant of the series. Do you know how sure of your own skills you have to be to start a fight on a plane? Yeah, Ninja-J confident. 

Each sequence is drawn just as well as it’s written thanks to Dagnino and Villarrubia. The action is stylized and at a break-neck pace when it has to be but gets dark and gritty at the perfect moment. Thanks to the colors from Villarrubia that help to shift the mood depending on where the fights are going. Dagnino also illustrates the enhanced abilities of the ninja in a way that keeps the story as grounded as it can be though Snapdragon has the most “showy” of the abilities we’ve seen so far. 

If you’re needing a break from the tights and capes crowd and you’d appreciate a spy/espionage thriller with over-the-top ninja action then Killers is what you should pick up. The creative team is delivering on all fronts so far and living up to the hype!


For more you can check out our interview with Killers Senior Editor, Karl Bollers here!

Infinite Speech

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