The Comics Dispatch Episode 13: Writer Jimmy Palmiotti

The Comics Dispatch Episode 13: Writer Jimmy Palmiotti

Welcome to Radio’s comic book news podcast, The Comics Dispatch! Every Tuesday join Andy, Daniel, and a special guest as they talk about the latest industry announcements and PR. We’re a little late this week. I blame technology.

Our special guest this week is Jimmy Palmiotti, writer of Jonah Hex, Power Girl, Wolverine and Black Cat: Claws, Time Bomb, the new Trail Blazer one-shot from Image, and a whole lot more! Jimmy talks about his duties with the upcoming DC reboot and the dawn of the digital age.

Plus, the guys touch on movie news related to Thor 2, myths surrounding the DCnU, a brewing protest at SDCC 2011, and a whole lot more!

The Comics Dispatch Episode 13

You can click the link to listen to the podcast or right click “save link as” to download it.

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Editor’s Note: Jimmy talks about a Kickstarter project during the podcast, for an OGN called Queen Crab. You can find that here.

Andy Liegl

Daniel Fabrizio

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Pat Bomba

    Great interview. Loved that Geeky girl, Kris. Oh, and Jimmy Palmiotti was great, too.

  2. Kristin

    Aw, thanks, mom.

  3. AHudson

    Andy is right. Winter time is a horrible time to release a big budget movie. Especially January. That month is a sign that the studios have no faith in the film and most of them are bad (although there are exceptions, such as the John Hughes films).

    As far as the Green Lantern movie being possibly withheld from a sequel, there’s one and one reason only. It didn’t make enough money. If a superhero film makes a shitload of money, it gets a sequel and if it bombs, they’ll think twice about making a sequel. And it makes sense. Think about it. If you were a studio head that lost a hundred million dollars on a movie, would you be so eager to make a sequel?

    Also I tried putting your name in the Google engine search Andy and it did pop out your photo but it also had this as one of the top results .

  4. Daniel

    I was referring to the Thanksgiving-Christmas period. It’s not as big as your normal summer blockbuster areas, but with it being so overcrowded in the summer for superhero movies, why not take a chance in the winter?

  5. AHudson

    Winter does O.K but a big winter hit is about 20-50 million . Compared to a big summer hit which can be 70-100 million . And with the BIG production of a hundred million plus (not counting the distribution and marketing, which can be as much not even more), they need to have as big of a hit as possible. Unless of course, it’s a smaller comic book film, where they can afford a smaller opening.

  6. Kris

    By the way, this is why I groaned when Jimmy started talking about digital comics.
    I love physical media. I will hold onto my books until the day I day. I believe, in large part, that digital content is rented content, and that you don’t really own it. It’s not 100% like that, but a lot of it is. And for content that is essentially rented, it’s far too expensive to boot.

    I do, however, want to note…. I acknowledge the benefit digital media has for creators and publishers. It saves money, it makes it easier to get content out there. It makes it easier to get bonus content out there (like the comic + script combo on comixology Jimmy mentions). There are a lot of positives. But the idea that print media will go away entirely scares the crap out of me. There’s nothing quite like holding a good book in your hands. And frankly, I read books to get AWAY from computer/TV screens, which I stare at most of my day. I don’t want to lose that part of my life to a freakin screen as well.

  7. InfiniteSpeech

    Great show guys and Jimmy is one of my favs because he’s just so damn real with his info and tells you like it is. Loved his FCBD info/advice since it’s something that actually would help attract NEW readers instead of catering to the converted day after day after day.

  8. InfiniteSpeech

    Oh, and you guys forgot to thank Jimmy for Sexy Mondays! Shame on you!

  9. Jane

    Andy & Daniel awesome pod-cast. The 2 of you banter well and it’s interesting. Other guests were great too. As someone said Jimmy tells it like it is. Being newer to the comic world Jimmy shed light on the doggy-dog world of trying to make a living in the industry and the opportunities and challenges the digital age brings. Andy keep these pod-casts coming! Also is there a way to give it a rating on i-tunes?

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