Welcome to ComicAttack.net Radio’s comic book news podcast, The Comics Dispatch! Every Tuesday join Andy, Daniel, and a special guest as they talk about the latest industry announcements and PR.
The Comics Dispatch Episode 15
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This week our special guests include the public relations people of 10 companies that will be attending San Diego Comic Con 2011. The good people of Dark Horse, Top Cow, Archaia, Zenescope, BOOM!, and more tell all about what will be happening at their booth this year. From signings to exclusives and competitions, this episode of The Comics Dispatch is the perfect San Diego Comic Con 2011 companion!
Download older episodes here, and check out other podcasts of ComicAttack.net Radio!
Andy Liegl
Daniel Fabrizio
I thought the perfect companion to a con was either a pack mule or a beautiful woman that would also help carry all the swag you pick up