The LAPD have accomplished something that J. Jonah Jameson and his Anti-Spider Squad couldn’t- handcuff Spider-Man!
The LA Times reports that on November 12, 2009 at Hollywood and Highland in Los Angeles, a street ‘performer’ disguised as Spider-Man was arrested on outstanding criminal warrants after an incident where he supposedly socked a man. Christopher Loomis, 39, was one of many Spider-Man’s in the area, so when police received the call that the Web Head had struck someone, their search included four other potential culprits (Living in Hollywood, I’ve seen lots of these guys, and I wonder if Loomis is the Spidey whose bit is to pose on top of garbage cans?). Said LAPD Lt. Beverly Lewis, “They stopped one, it wasn’t him. They stopped the second, and it was the suspect.”
Apparently, the suspect and the victim knew each other, which may be the reason why the victim refused to press charges, despite being hit on the face and arms. It didn’t matter though because Christopher Parker… er, Loomis, had some outstanding warrants; probably for publicly showing people his ‘web shooter.’
If you’d like to bail out the Wall Crawler, you can to the tune of $5,500.
Outside Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, which is part of the famous Hollywood Star Walk, there are a plethora of half assed street ‘artists’ who dress up as their favorite celebrity or fictional character, take pictures with passing tourists, and ask for (or in many cases demand) tips for the photo. It’s how they make a living, and most of the time their efforts are pathetic at best. I’ve seen plenty of these people during my time living in LA, from weird Mexican guys with Wal-Mart Yoda masks on, to offensive Jack Sparrow’s, to creepy looking Elmos, to flamboyant Supermen, to a crack whore with missing teeth dressed as a Playboy bunny, to an angel Michael Jackson- you can see plenty of freaks at Hollywood and Highland. All it takes is a ridiculous get-up, a little money for a street performer’s permit, and some serious balls.
You should stop by sometime and see the sights!

Andy Liegl
Has that “Catwoman” stolen someone’s purse, or whatever that is in her right hand?
Catwoman has NOT aged well at all lol
Wow to the people who failed in hellhole known as Hollywood. I wonder is if the cardboard houses are any nicer than the ones in Nashville. I mean it is Hollywood. lol
Seeing these pics makes me happy I’m from Detroit! I can easily handle the occassional homeless person, but these weird people in costumes would frighten me.
You sound a little bitter there, Andy.
You should watch the documentary Confessions of a Superhero.
Some of them follow a pretty strict honor system.
@ Eli and Speech- lol
@ Non-Canon- Hey now, I’m a working actor in LA and couldn’t be happier to call this place home! You can’t beat 75 every day and sunny.
@ Bill- Yeah, there are LOTS (and I mean LOTS) of freaks out here! Oh the stories I could tell…
@ Kristin- I’m definitely not bitter, but I’ve been to Grauman’s Theatre and seen these people first hand. The majority of them put little effort in their ‘performance,’ and are very confrontational. Still, I enjoy the freaky eye candy!
@speech- I wonder what you’ll look like at 150 years old?…lol, I could deal with her as long as she kept the costume on all the time.