Image Reviews: Spawn #206

Spawn #206
Publisher: Image
Writer: Will Carlton
Artist: Szymon Kudranski
Cover: Szymon Kudranski

Now THIS is the issue I have been waiting to read for quite some time now! It’s been a while since we’ve seen the new Spawn cut loose, and he does it in style as he goes up against a trio of demons called The Old Guard. They’re a group of elite killers and have been sent to test the power of Spawn. While all of this mayhem is going on, Twitch has an idea on how to save Sam, but it involves finding Al Simmons. Little does Twitch know that Al is dead and the allies have a new Spawn lurking in the shadows who’s not too fond of…well, he’s not too fond of anyone!

Carlton has been giving us an intelligent and steady build as he continues to introduce the world to an all new Spawn. Even though this is an issue moved by plenty of action, it was great to see that you’re given just as much excitement in the various character interactions throughout. Also, if you pay close enough attention to the panels, Carlton drops subtle hints as to other aspects of his story. There’s also a nice little jab at McFarlane Toys that was pretty funny and well timed.

When it comes to the artwork I’ll just put it plainly – Kudranski kicked all kinds of ass from start to finish on this issue! The opening scene is just brutal, and even when we switch to the less erratic moments, things don’t slack. There’s also a bit more consistency in the look of characters from panel to panel, whereas this was a problem I noticed in a couple of previous issues. Kudranski’s double splash page along with the very last page of the story were just eye candy galore, and I still say his style is one that fits the Spawn mythos perfectly.

Carlton and Kudranski have put to rest any doubts I had with the new direction of this series. In a time when several companies are changing the identity of their flagship characters and promising an “all new direction,” Spawn is actually delivering on that promise. What’s also helping the series is that the issues are coming out a lot more frequently than they were last year. So a big thanks to McFarlane for keeping his promise and making sure we’re getting a damn good read with each issue!

Infinite Speech

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