Image Comics Reviews: Shinku #4

Shinku #4
Publisher: Image
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist: Lee Moder
Cover: Lee Moder, Matthew Waite, & Michael Atiyeh

Shinku fell into an ambush last issue, and things are not going too well for her now. It’s a good thing she has friends that are prepared to save her and make sure her severe wounds are taken care of. However, when news reaches Lord Asano that Shinku hasn’t been killed, it’s time to take things into his own clawed hands.

Marz and Moder open up this issue with a bang, as the opening few pages are some of the best and brutal in the series so far. There’s a slight shift in focus as Shinku takes a back seat this issue and Marz shines the spotlight on her friends. This was a nice change in pace as it effectively gave the book a different kind of feel story wise. This also shows that in just a few short issues the supporting cast is enjoyable enough to carry the weight of this story. As for the villain, Lord Asano, Marz hasn’t shown us too much from him, but hopefully with the way things ended here that should be about to change.

Moder’s artwork still elevates Marz’s script and looks great while doing it. It’s been awesome seeing what he’s been doing in this series, and things just keep improving as Marz keeps coming up with cool stuff for him to draw. For some reason the colors don’t seem as fine when compared to the first issue, but it’s nothing that deters from the overall artwork or story. Panels still look great and the blood still pops, and it should because there’s plenty of it in this issue.

If you’re looking for an action filled title that just happens to have samurai and vampire goodness, then Shinku is the title for you. There’s also the added bonus of the great art and story combo, and you’ve got every reason to add this title to your collection.

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