Film Fatale: Frank Miller’s Sin City

This movie kicks ass. I couldn't say enough good things about it. The comic (published by Dark Horse Comics) was created, written, and drawn by Frank Miller. It's his baby.…

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X-Men Power Rankings #50-#47

Hey there Comic Attackers! If you’re like me you can never get enough X-Men. Yet, there are so many mutants out there that they’ve become incredibly hard to keep track…

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Indy Gems: IDW and Doctor Who

IDW and Doctor Who are a great combination. With their Doctor Who: Classics, and Doctor Who: Classics Series 2, numerous one-shots, and mini-series; their library of Doctor Who titles is quite…

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Wacky Comic Wednesday: NFL SuperPro #2

Hey there ComicAttackers! Welcome to the second edition of Wacky Comic Wednesday! Considering the NFL season is now in full swing (Go Bills! Go Falcons!), I thought it appropriate to…

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FIlm Fatale: Tank Girl

I want to start off by saying that I’m probably totally biased in my review of this movie seeing as how Tank Girl was the first comic I ever read.…

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