Artist of the Month: Sam Kieth Part 3

First of all, I want to say thank you to all the Sam-heads out there for the overwhelming positive feedback that I've received concerning part one and part two of this installment of…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 5/25/2011

Action Comics #901 (DC) NickZ: As if an army of Supermen vs. an army of Doomsdays wasn't enough, now we got the Doomslayer! Amazing Spider-Man #662 (Marvel) Aron: Amazingly STUPID.…

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Crisis of Infinite Reviews 05-18-11

Hey everyone! With the start of Flashpoint and the plethora of tie-ins involved, my awesome colleagues have offered to help out in reviewing some of them. So until the end…

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The Uncanny X-Piles XXXVII

5 Ronin #5 Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Leandro Fernandez An awesome conclusion to a fantastically original Marvel mini-series. This issue doesn't star Deadpool so much as the antagonist, the usurping…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 4/6/2011

Annihilators #2 (Marvel) Andy: Shouldn't a book starring the heaviest hitters of the Marvel Cosmos feature them breaking stuff? Instead, they're all bickering like a bunch of ninnies. Weak sauce.…

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