Ramblings and Reviews

Here we go with more reviews from my pile of new issues. I have five on tap for today, starting with... Wolverine Origins #40 Writer: Daniel Way Pencils: Scot Eaton…

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Ink Stains 160: Ragnarok 2

cover by Marie Severin Ragnarok 2: 1972Publishers/editors: Mark Collins and David Simons Heyyyyyy, nice to be back! The gap seems a bit longer this time, due to an extremely busy…

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Ink Stains 155: Fantasticomix 3

Fantasticomix 3: June, 1973Editor/publisher: Scott Paauw Hi everyone and welcome back to Ink Stains, the column devoted to the fanzines of the past! This installment covers Fantasticomix 3, another zine…

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Ink Stains 148:Quintessence 1

Quintessence 1: 1969Publishers: Mike O'Neal, David Tyson, Garrett EverettEditor: Mike O'Neal Hello all, and welcome back to another monthly installment of Ink Stains to satisfy your fanzine itch. That, and…

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