Ramblings and Reviews

Welcome once again to a peek at my weekly pull list. Let me start off this edition with Thor: Annual #1. I'll first let everyone know that I don't regularly…

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Dark Horse Reviews: Predator #1 Review

Publisher:  Dark Horse Writer:  John Arcudi Artist:  Javier Saltares Cover:  Raymond Swanland  "Prey to the Heavens" Pt. 1:  Dark Horse is kicking off twenty years of Predator comics with this…

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Film Fatale: Watchmen

This movie has received many mixed reviews. Some say they like that it followed the comic as much as it did and some say it followed it too closely at…

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Ink Stains 2: Squa Tront 2

Squa Tront 2 (September 1968) Publisher: Jerry Weist Squa Tront was one of the first fanzines dedicated to the creators and memory of EC Comics (a few others being Witzend…

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