Pull List: 12/3/09
US readers will be receiving their comics a day late this week due to the holiday weekend. However, most of Canada as well as International readers will be getting their…
US readers will be receiving their comics a day late this week due to the holiday weekend. However, most of Canada as well as International readers will be getting their…
Thanksgiving may be Thursday, but before the Turkey and Football we have New Comic Day, and it looks to be a big week this time, so everyone will have quite…
Tomorrow is Veterans Day (Remembrance Day to our Canadian friends), and though there is no mail, there will still be new comics. And what does our staff intend to pick…
New comics arrive tomorrow, so let's take a look at what the staff is reading. Listed below you’ll find details on each new book that the crew is checking…
New comics arrive at your LCS (local comic shop) tomorrow, so today we look at what the staff is reading. Listed below you’ll find details on each new book that…
Army of Darkness was a movie about an ordinary man named Ash, who was thrust into the role of a hero against the Necronomicon and its undead followers. Later, comics…
Hello again Comic Attackers! Well we're back, two weeks in a row and we're on a roll. But enough of that, listed below you’ll find details on each book that…
Welcome back Comic Attackers! First off I apologize for not having a pull list last week, but rest assured we're now here to stay. So check back here each Tuesday…