Character Spotlight: Flash Thompson

October has become all about Venom, in case you were wondering. While Eddie Brock may be his most well known host, the symbiote has been involved with others. One such…

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Character Spotlight: Bill Foster

Goliath. Black Goliath. Doctor. Giant-Man. These are all names or titles Bill Foster has had in his life. From the streets of Los Angeles to the halls of Avengers Mansion,…

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Character Spotlight: Bushmaster

Some villains are a mirror of the heroes they oppose. Some are related to foes who can no longer fight the hero themselves. Bushmaster is both. Two brothers, two very…

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Movie Multiverse: Cloverfiled Paradox

Cloverfield Paradox: A Big Hit at the Superbowl but a Misfire for the Movie What made the first ‘Cloverfield’ so fascinating was they took something we’ve seen before like a…

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