The highly anticipated comic series Samurai makes it’s long awaited return from Titan Comics! The fifth volume comes from the talented creative team of Jean-François Di Giorgio and Frédéric Genêt as they take us on the further adventures of Takeo!
WRITER: Jean-François Di Giorgio
ARTIST: Frédéric Genêt
COVER A: Frédéric Genêt
COVER B: David Mack
PUBLISHER: TIitan Comics
FORMAT: Softcover
PRICE: $3.99
The terrible battle against the treacherous Akuma has been won, and the empire is safe once more. But Takeo has set out for the mysterious Unnamed Island to continue his quest to finally discover the truth about his brother and his family… and the symbolic tattoo that saved his life.
You can get caught up on previous Samurai volumes here!
Infinite Speech