Arguably one of the best movies in the Star Wars franchise gets a comic adaptation as we revisit the greatness that is Rogue One!
The Rebellion comes to Marvel Comics this spring as one of the biggest films of 2016 becomes one of the biggest comics of 2017! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look inside the STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE ADAPTATION #1 – the new series available wherever comics are sold on April 5th! Written by Jody Houser (Max Ride) with art by Emilio Laiso (Star Wars Annual) and Oscar Bazaldua (Gwenpool Holiday Special) , join the harrowing group of Rebels as they embark on a life or death mission to save the galaxy!
Written by JODY HOUSER
Cover by PHIL NOTO
Variant Cover by TERRY DODSON
Action Figure Variant by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER
Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant by MIKE MAYHEW
Droids Variant by JOE QUINONES
All appears lost in the fight against the tyrannical Galactic Empire. The Rebellion has discovered the existence of the Empire’s ultimate super-weapon. The Death Star. With the power to wipe planets from existence, the Death Star’s existence spells doom for those seeking freedom. All hope now lies in the hands of new heroes Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. Their last ditch gambit to steal the Death Star plans are all that stands in the Empire’s way!
Infinite Speech
I wonder how this will end?