Radical Publishing Reviews: Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #3

Publisher: Radical Publishing
Writer: Ian Edginton
Artist: Stjepan Sejic
Cover: Luis Royo

**Minor Spoilers**

“Legacy of the Lost pt 3”: If you’re into giant beasts, magic, swashbuckling action, and just an all around great story then I’d definitely recommend Ian Edginton’s retelling of Aladdin’s Tale in Radical’s Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost mini-series!  The third issue wraps up the story of our heroes Aladdin and Sinbad as they attempt to stop the evil Quassim and save the princess, all without getting killed themselves.

Remember the ring Aladdin found in the last issue? Well turns out the Djinn (Genie) inside is the wife of the Djinn of the Lamp, and she wants to know where her husband is. However that’s not a major concern of Aladdin’s at the moment, because the monster squid that Quassim has set upon them is going to kill them all if she doesn’t save them!  Words are exchanged and after she has rescued the crew from death, Aladdin speaks with her and promises to grant her freedom in exchange for her help in stopping Quassim and rescuing Princess Soraya.  However she knows that they are no match for Quassim and she even admits that her husband is more powerful than she is…but she may have  a way for them to gain the advantage.  So their journey before the final battle begins and we find out a lot more about Quassim’s past, and Aladdin’s connection to everything is revealed to be a little deeper as well.

Ian Edginton has taken a story that has been told and retold for hundreds of years, yet in his hands it’s as fresh and new as it ever was. His tweaks and additions feel natural and flow with the story without making it seem like he’s trying to force an updated version on the audience.  We are treated to a fair bit of expo in this issue, but it never feels like information overload as Edginton gives us more on Quassim, Aladdin, and the two Djinn. It actually fleshes out the story and helps take it to another level, while at the same time giving enough action and eye candy for Sejic to show off his artistic greatness.  He actually handles the art for this entire issue, and as usual it’s a sight to behold as he draws you into the world of Aladdin.  From the illustrious backgrounds to the mystical creatures, I think he captured what Edginton was going for and probably even more.  The design for the Djinn Xavier (shown in the picture above) was one of my favorites as he looked nothing like any Djinn I have seen in these types of stories. So if you only know Sejic from his work on the Angelus and Witchblade titles, than you’ll definitely want to take a look at this series as well!

You can’t help but enjoy Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost in it’s entirety, and though we do get a bit of finality in the end, it looks like there may be more on the horizon for Aladdin, Sinbad, and Princess Soraya.  The elements are already in place so there’s much more story to be told and adventures to be had that it would only seem natural to continue their journey, and I’m hoping that Edginton and Sejic are the ones to bring it to us.

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Aron

    This looks pretty sweet, but do they break out in song?

  2. Andy

    Hah! No singing and dancing in this mini-series!

    I agree Speech, I thought this was very well done. Definitely worth a look to the fantasy readers in the audience!

  3. Billy

    If Sejic doesn’t have a president for his fanclub…I’m available.

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    I’m hoping that Radical continues this series Andy and even though the first issue kind of started slow the last two issues more than make up for it.

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