Indie Reviews: Quarantined OGN

Quarantined OGN
Publisher: AAM/Markosia
Writer: Michael Moreci
Artist: Monty Borror
Cover: Keith Burns

“Quarantined”: When a contaminate enters the water supply in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and starts turning people into zombies, a random group of survivors are thrown together while looking for help. Though that would be a lot easier if the military hadn’t blocked all escape from the town and cut off communication with the outside world. This set up may sound a bit familiar to some who have immersed themselves in the zombie genre or even just dabbled in it. However, Michael Moreci does a fine job of giving you a decent cast of characters and a story that will entertain. This was helped by the fact that the dialog was just great and a lot of the character development seemed very natural. Sure there were characters we knew were there just to end up as zombie food, but no one was being pushed as trying to be the hero of the group.

Some of the artwork from Monty Borror was hit and miss with me, but I will say that he and colorist Lauren Anne Sharp effectively helped to establish and keep the mood of the book throughout its pages. I also liked that the look of the zombies was unconventional in the sense that most of them looked as if they put in some serious gym time. Which would reinforce the fact that at times some showed pretty quick reflexes and strength while going after their victims. So the trade off is the rotting flesh, the disfigured facial features, and the urge to eat your fellow man, but at least you’ll have that beach body. There were also various splash pages by Keith Burns used to separate the chapters, and they were just fantastic.

Moreci pulls off the horror theme of Quarantined quite well, and even throws several twists that ended up taking the story in an entirely different direction than the usual. Again, nothing forced or out of place, just the natural progression of the story that ended up with a pretty good pay off for the reader. Now, I did have an issue with how the book ended until I found out that there may be more to this story, which turned my entire viewpoint around. So cheers to Moreci for delivering what I think is another plus in the horror category and zombie genre!

For more Quarantined click here and here!

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Infinite Speech

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. andrewhurst

    “looked as if they put in some serious gym time”

    Just when I thought zombies were scary enough, we get zombies on steroids. AWESOME!

  2. Billy

    …hmmmm 😀

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