Buckaroo Banzai. It’s a pretty legendary name, don’t you think? Now you’re wondering who might this man be? Buckaroo Banzai is a top neurosurgeon, particle physicist, a rock star, and a comic book hero (I’m seriously not kidding on this).
Buckaroo is the main character of the film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension! or as it is usually referred to as The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.
This film revolves around Buckaroo and his friends the Hong Kong Cavaliers, Penny, and The Blaze Irregulars (civilian volunteers) who save the world from Lord John Whorfin and his inter-dimensional alien followers. Lord John is after the Buckaroo Institute’s invention called the Oscillation Overthruster that allows people to go through solid matter. Lord John hopes to use the Oscillation Overthruster to free his exiled followers in Dimension 8 and return to Planet 10 to conquer it. In turn, Planet 10 warned that unless Buckaroo stopped Lord John, the planet Earth would be destroyed. It’s up to Buckaroo and his friends to stop Lord John from succeeding.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai was directed by W.D. Richter and written by Earl Mac Rauch, and was released on August 15, 1984 in theaters. The characters in the film are treated as real people and the movie is often referred to as a docudrama. The movie starred Peter Weller, John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum, and Christopher Llyod (amongst many others).
This film is a very interesting and complex tale that is filled with back story. The theatrical version of Buckaroo Banzai was an edited version of the workprint that was tested in theaters before the release. For example, Buckaroo’s references to his nemesis Hanoi Xan were edited out completely from the film. The DVD release restored some of the footage from the workprint, but not all of it.

The movie did poorly in the theaters, but did fairly well on Video/DVD distribution which later developed a cult following. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai has been referenced in many different mediums; like in the end credits of the film The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou when the cast reenacts the end credits of Buckaroo Banzai.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai has spanned off into a novelization and a comic book series. There are also sequels and TV shows based on Buckaroo Banzai that never made it. A VFX demo reel for the one of the TV series entitled Buckaroo Banzai: Against Secrets and New Mysteries is available for viewing online or on DVD.
The following comics are based on The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai that have been released over the years:

Title: Buckaroo Banzai
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Pencils: Mark Texeira
Colors: Ken Feduniewicz
Inker: Armando Gill
Letters: Rich Parker
Cover: Mark Texeira & Armando Gil
Issue: #1-2
Publisher: Marvel Comics Group
Release Date: ( #1) December 1984; ( #2) February 1985
Price: $.75
Where to Find It: Auction sites like Ebay or if you’re lucky, or in your local comic book shop’s back issue bin. Prices will usually vary higher than the original price (for example, my copy of #1 cost $1.75 from my comic shop). The story has also been compiled in Marvel Super Special #33.
Side Notes: A comic adaptation of the film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension was also created as part of a limited series.

Title: Marvel Super Special: Buckaroo Banzai
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Art:Mark Texeira and Armando Gil
Issue: #33
Colors: Ken Feduniewicz
Letters: Rick Parker
Cover: Mark Texeira
Publisher: Marvel Comics Group
Release Date: 1984
Price: $2.50
Pages: 64
Where to Find It: Auction Sites like Ebay or through a search online. Prices will vary higher than the original price.
Side Notes: This version has both issues of the movie’s comic adaptation with an additional segment called An Interview with the Director of Buckaroo Banzai W.D. Richter by James Burns which is illustrated with stills from the film.
Title: Buckaroo Banzai: The Preview
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch & W.D. Richter
Art: Stephen Thompson, Keith Williams
Cover: Dennis Calero
Issues: #1
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: 2005
Price: $.50
Pages: 16
Where To Find It: Auction sites like Ebay, or if you’re lucky, your local comic book shop.
Side Notes: It includes art from Return of the Screw, back story on the characters, pinups, and an interview with W.D. Richter. It is basically a preview of Return of the Screw.

Title: Buckaroo Banzai: Return of the Screw
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch; adaptation/new material: Joe Gentile
Issue: #1-3
Pencils: Stephen Thompson
Colors: Ken Wolak ([#1] with Mike Kowalczyk & Wally Lowe), ([#2] with Dave Alusik & Wally Lowe), ([#3] with Wally Lowe)
Inker: Keith Williams
Letters: Erik Enervold
Cover: #1 – (A) Matt Haley, (B) Michael Stribling, (C/ltd ver.) David Michael Beck; #2 – (A) Dave Ulanski, (B) Stephen Thompson, (C/ltd ver.) Dave Dorman; #3 (A) Dave Aikins, (B) Michael Stribling, (C/ltd ver.) David Nestler
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: 2006
Price: $3.50
Pages: 32 (per issue)
Where To Find It: At Moonstone’s website, through your local comic book shop, or auction sites like Ebay.
Side Notes: Available in trade paperback (with added features).

Title: “A Christmas Corrall”(featured in the comic Moonstone Holiday Super Special)
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch
Issue: #1
Art and Colors: Ken Wolak
Letters: Terri Boyle
Cover: (A) Marat Mychaels and Bob Pedroza; (B) Michael Stribling; (C) Mid-Ohio Con variant by Dave Akins & Andy Bennett
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: November 2007
Price: $5.99
Pages: 56 (Banzai’s story was 12 pgs)
Where To Find It: At Moonstone’s website, through your local comic book shop, or auction sites like Ebay.
Side Notes: This was a compilation of Holiday themed stories starring the Phantom, Buckaroo Banzai, The Spider, Kolchak the Stalker, and Sherlock Holmes.

Title: Buckaroo Banzai: The Prequel- “Hunan Bondage”
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch
Issue: #1-2
Art: W.Chew Chan
Colors: Ken Wolak
Letters: Paul Mounts
Cover: [#1] Davis Palumbo, (incentive cover) Matt Haley; [#2] Ken Wheaton and Paul Mounts, (incentive cover) Joe Corroney
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: August 2008
Price: $3.99
Pages: 32; [#2] 36
Where To Find It: Moonstone’s website, auction sites like Ebay, or your local comic book shop.
Side Notes: Set before the movie. Issue #2 included the story Ghost Zero in The Cast-Iron Coffin.
Title: Buckaroo Banzai: Big Size – Wild Asses of Kush
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch
Issue: #1
Art: Paul Hanley
Colors: Renato Guerra
Letters: Bernie Lee
Cover: (A) Michael Stribling; (B) Paul Hanley; (C/ltd ver.) Paul Hanley
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: January 2009
Price: $4.75
Pages: 40
Where To Find It: Moonstone’s website, auction sites like Ebay, or your local comic book shop. You can view a textless preview of the 1st couple of pages online.
Side Notes: A One Shot story.

Title: Buckaroo Banzai: Origins #1 – “Tomb With A View”
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch
Art: Admin Amat
Colors: Andrew Elder
Issues: #1
Cover: (A) Ed Hannigan; (B/ltd ver.) Lee Moyer
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: April 2009
Price: $3.99; (Ltd) 4.99
Pages: 32
Where To Find It: Moonstone’s website, auction sites like Ebay, or your local comic book shop. A Preview of Origins is still viewable online.
Side Notes: The prequel is set just after Buckaroo’s parent’s accident when he was a child.

Title: Buckaroo Banzai: Hardest of the Hard
Writer: Earl Mac Rauch
Issues: #1-2
Art: [#1] Shawn Van Briessen, Mark Stegbauer; [#2] Jesus Antonio Hernandez
Colors: James Brown
Cover: [#1](main) David Easterly, (variant) J. Anthony Kosar; [#2] J. Anthony Kosar , Malcolm McClinton
Publisher: Moonstone
Release Date: #1-September 2009; #2-November 2009
Price: $3.99
Pages: 32 (per issue)
Where To Find It: Moonstone’s website, auction sites like Ebay, or your local comic book shop.
Side Notes: Secrets are revealed of the woman who likes all things that are pointy.
Buckaroo Banzai is the coolest man around. He’s multi-talented and he goes on amazing adventures.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai is a fun movie filled with quotable lines, humorous jokes, and science. The audience bares witness to Buckaroo’s adventures continued on in comic books that help shape him as a character.
So if you want to see a movie or read the comics with Jeff Goldblum dressed as a cowboy, Robocop before going into the police force, Doctor Emmett Brown, Lord Farquaad as an evil guy (again), 6 degrees of Joss Whedon with Vincent Schiavelli, and Perfect Tommy being perfect, then this series is for you.
-P.S. Watermelons will be discussed later.
“No matter where you go, there you are.”
Princess Powerful
This has always been one of my favorite movies! I’ve actually never read the comics and didn’t know there was a prequal out…looks like i’ve got some book hunting to do! I didn’t know about the different versions though but I do remember thinking “hey I don’t remember that!” but I just thought my memory was fuzzy from not having seen it in so long lol Thanks! I wonder if Goldblum looks at this and just laughs at his outfit lol
I loved Buckaroo Banzai, That movie is still one of my all time favorites. John Lithgow was awesome as John Whorfin!
I had no clue the ending of ‘Life Aquatic’ was paying homage to this!
Yea, I found that little tidbit when I was researching. The credits for Life Aquatic and Banzai are on Youtube.
I think the most obscure for me would be Back To The Future. I’ve been watching that film for YEARS and never noticed the references to Buckaroo lol.
Check out the ref materials for the different Star Trek shows – Next Gen, especially. Tons of BB refs scattered around.
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Adventurer, brain surgeon, rock musician Buckaroo Banzai and his crime-fighting team, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, must stop evil alien invaders from the eighth dimension who are planning to conquer Earth.