Minor spoilers ahead!
In a previous review, I discussed the events of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #33. The followers of Twilight, season 8’s Big Bad, temporarily joins the Scooby Gang as they try to find their missing comrades. After Twilight reveals his identity to Buffy, they converse with one another. We find out in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #35 what is Twilight’s true agenda…

Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8
Writer: Brad Meltzer
Pencil: Georges Jeanty
Inker: Andy Owens
Color: Michelle Madsen
Letters: Richard Starkings; Jimmy Betancourt
Cover: Jo Chen (Cover A); George Jeanty (Cover B)
Issue: #35
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Pages: 40
Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 2010
Brad Meltzer concludes his blockbuster run on Buffy Season Eight! After last issue’s climactic encounter between Buffy and the unmasked Twilight, the Slayer army’s entire mission has been altered and the true nature of the threat they face has been revealed.
Everyone is in place to confront the Big Bad once and for all as Buffy’s most epic season races toward the final arc, written by Joss Whedon!
* Executive produced by Buffy creator Joss Whedon!
* Final issue of Brad Meltzer’s game-changing arc on Season Eight!
Side Notes: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #35 was a confusing story and I wasn’t sure what was going on. It felt as if it was a filler issue that could have happened in the previous chapter if some instances were shortened in length. However, I loved the ending and felt surprised that one of my speculations came true!
Jo Chen illustrated Cover A which depicts the portraits of the Scooby Gang and Twilight centered above Buffy’s head. She’s in turmoil while her friends and family display various facial expressions. An altered picture for Cover A was revealed on MTV which could spoil readers who are unfamiliar with Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #34. I loved the painting technique Chen used for Cover A, but I found some elements from her illustration confusing; The emotions of the Scooby Gang were hard to recognize unless further analyzed. However, Buffy’s emotion of anguish was easily recognizable.

Buffy’s feelings about her ordeal were continued in Cover B illustrated by George Jeanty. The image recreated the poignant event of Uncanny X-Men #138 where Kitty Pyrde enters Xavier’s School as Cyclops remembers Jean Grey and decides to take a leave of absence. Cover B had a wallpaper of covers from various comic book covers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I appreciated the homage Cover B made and had fun trying to name off which covers were featured. Also, I wondered if Buffy would leave her comrades like Cyclops did in that issue. Usually the lines between Buffy and her friends become divided on how to deal with enemies, so it’ll be interesting on how they will compromise their current situation in the future.
Jane Espenson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Battlestar Galactica) will write the upcoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: Riley One-Shot on August 18. It will reveal how Riley was recruited by Buffy, infiltrated Twilight’s circle, and will explain what became of his wife.
Joss Whedon will write the last story arc for Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8. I’m not sure how this season will end, but with confirmation of having another season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I hope it’s a doozy!
Princess Powerful
I love that Cover B!
Me too! I love playing the memory game with the background
Cover B is the only one I’ve been seeing at a few local stores and only a few of those. I liked how they nailed the cover almost exactly
Change your avatar back to Louis PP!!! lol
I just like Louis more lol He plays a mean horn!
The “B” cover artist (Jeanty) was at a Con I was at in March.
*_* Lucky!!