Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/25/16

Afterlife With Archie #9 (Archie) Infinite Speech: Almost forgot how great this book is! So glad it's back! Aliens: Defiance #2 (Dark Horse) Infinite Speech: Wood and Jones bring a…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 01/14/15

Aliens vs Predator: Fire & Stone #4 (Dark Horse) Infinite Speech: It's a bit of an open ending but a good one. All-New Captain America #3 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: Sam…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/10/14

Afterlife With Archie #7 (Archie) Infinite Speech: Good to have the series back and it hasn't lost a step! Amazing Spider-Man #11 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: Spider-Verse has been an amazing…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/10/14

Character Spotlight: Cyborg

Tis the season for more robotic and cyborg characters! This week we get one of the most popular characters that I think a lot of folks know from the Teen…

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