Ink Stains 12: The Star Slayers

Galactic Heroes! Planet-shattering battles! Epic frontiers! The Star Slayers! All this in a 13 issue series, produced every three weeks, by fanzine kingpin/writer Matt Bucher and multiple artists, including yours…

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Zenescope Announces Girl of the Year Contest

Ladies get your skimpiest fairy tail themed costumes and digital cameras ready! Zenescope Entertainment, the company who brings you Grimm Fairy Tales, The Waking, and Neverland to name a few,…

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Unsung Characters of Comicdom: The Shade

Welcome to another edition of Unsung Characters of Comicdom! This week's anomalous profile is dedicated to AC Comics' supramundane sensation known as the The Shade! First Appearance: Americomics #1 (1983)…

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Ink Stains 2: Squa Tront 2

Squa Tront 2 (September 1968) Publisher: Jerry Weist Squa Tront was one of the first fanzines dedicated to the creators and memory of EC Comics (a few others being Witzend…

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