Indie Reviews: Overrun #1-4

Overrun #1-4 Writer(s): Andi Ewington & Matt Woodley Artist: Paul Green Cover: Cosmo White & Kinetic Underground We got an early preview of Overrun which was available during the 2014 London Super Comic…

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BOOM! Reviews: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0

Power Rangers #0 Publisher: BOOM! Writer(s): Kyle Higgins, Steve Orlando, & Mairghread Scott Artist(s): Hendry Prasetya, Corin Howell, & Daniel Bayliss Cover: Goñi Montes It's Morphin' Time! BOOM! is bringing…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 01/06/16

Action Comics #48 (DC) Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Pak & Kuder have consistently had the best Superman books, but they're being hampered by the cross-book arc. Batman & Robin Eternal #14…

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Character Spotlight: Rose Wilson

Daughter of one of the deadliest people on the planet. Manipulated by her own father. A family of dangerous and deadly people. Rose Wilson sure has the deck stacked against…

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